The 17th annual National Ethanol Conference is just around the corner, February 22-24 in Orlando, but those who are registered can start networking with fellow attendees now through the NEC mobile app. NEC Connect provides access to the online social networking community designed specifically for the NEC, allowing attendees to design their own profile, link other social networking sites to …
Registration Deadline Nearing for Ethanol Conference
The 2012 National Ethanol Conference, coming up February 22-24 in Orlando, is a must-attend for anyone in the ethanol industry. Among the highlights of the conference will be opening general session keynoter Dr. James Canton, futurist and CEO of the Institute for Global Futures. For over 30 years, Canton has been insightfully predicting the key trends that have shaped our …
Scholarship Deadline Extended for Ethanol Conference
The Renewable Fuels Foundation and the Renewable Fuels Association are offering scholarships to six students in higher education to attend the 17th Annual National Ethanol Conference: Accelerating Industry Innovation. Interested students now have until December 23 to apply. The NEC will be held Feb. 22 to 24 in Orlando, Fla., at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center. The NEC …
Global Futures CEO to Keynote Ethanol Conference
Engaging the consumer to grow demand and improve industry image for biofuels will be among the topics addressed at the 2012 National Ethanol Conference by the CEO and Chairman of the Institute for Global Futures, Dr. James Canton. Canton is a renowned global futurist, social scientist, keynote presenter, author, and visionary business advisor who has been insightfully predicting the key …
Keynoters for National Ethanol Conference
Keynote speakers at the 17th Annual National Ethanol Conference will offer “Insider Perspectives on Election 2012 – The Presidency and Congress.” Karl Rove will speak from the Republican perspective. Rove served as Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush from 2000–2007 and Deputy Chief of Staff from 2004–2007. He is known as “The Architect” of President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 …
Registration Open for 2012 National Ethanol Conference
Registration is now open for the Renewable Fuels Association 17th Annual National Ethanol Conference – Accelerating Industry Innovation. The conference will be held February 22-24 in Orlando, Florida at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center. The program will highlight how the industry has and continues to evolve to meet the demands of a rapidly changing marketplace. With federal policy …
Corn Ethanol Walks the Line Song
Here’s another video clip from the ethanol producer group known as “Green Floyd” that played at the recent National Ethanol Conference. The Green Floyd band is made up of Frontline Bioenergy CEO Bill Lee, Neil and Tom Koehler with Pacific Ethanol and Paul Kamp with Inbicon. This song is a parody of Johnny Cash’s “I Walk the Line” with lyrics …
Ron Miller Wins RFA 2011 Membership Award
“To many of you, Ron Miller requires no introduction. He has been ethanol long before ethanol was cool,” began Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Chairman Chuck Woodside during his introduction of Ron Miller who won the 2011 RFA Membership Award during the National Ethanol Conference that recently took place in Phoenix, Arizona. Miller has been the Chairman of RFA three times …
Global Ethanol Leaders Together
In the great tradition of saving the best for last, the 2011 National Ethanol Conference concluded with a lively panel discussion featuring global ethanol leaders. Those on the panel were (LtoR) George Fitch, Director of the Caribbean Basic Ethanol Producers Association; Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association; Marcos Jank, president and CEO of Brazil’s UNICA; Robert …
70,000 Directly Involved in U.S. Ethanol Industry
According to an economic analysis from Cardno ENTRIX, unveiled during the 2011 National Ethanol Conference, John Urbanchuk 70,600 Americans are employed directly in the production of ethanol and in industries providing goods and services to ethanol producers. Today, there are ethanol plants either operational or in construction in 29 states, and as a result of the economic activity generated by …