Our friends at Farm Foundation will host another one of their thought-provoking discussions, this time, talking about the energy and agricultural markets and their relationship. Titled, “Geopolitical Uncertainty in Agriculture and Energy Markets,” the April 9 Forum will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. EDT. Current political unrest in numerous …

Georgia Biodiesel Maker Installs Shockwave Reactor
A Georgia biodiesel maker has installed a reactor that the system’s builder says will transesterify vegetable or animal fats in just seconds. This article from Biodiesel Magazine says World Energy in Rome, Ga., has put in the Hydro Dynamics Inc. ShockWave Power Reactor (SPR) BD 50 at the 50 million gallon a year refinery. “Harnessing the power of cavitation, the …
2014 National Biodiesel Conference Underway
The 2014 National Biodiesel Conference is underway in San Diego. This evening attendees got together for a welcome reception at the San Diego Convention Center. It looks like we’re going to have an even larger crowd than was first thought! I’ve got photos to share with you and tomorrow will have full coverage of the opening general session and interviews …
VoteVets Launches RFS TV Campaign
VoteVets.org has launched a new television ad in Iowa aimed at protecting the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The ad will also be aired in Washington D.C. where hundreds of biofuel supporters have flown to the beltway in the last few months to meet with legislators in support of the clean energy and jobs legislation. The TV ad features an Iraq …
GEA Names Winners of GEA Honors 2013
The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) has announced the winners for the GEA Honors, which recognize companies and individuals that have made significant contributions during the past year to advancing technology, spurring economic development and protecting the environment. The winners were selected in categories including Technological Advancement, Economic Development and Environmental Stewardship. Now in its third year, GEA also provides special …
Greenleaf Hits 1 Million Gallons of Biodiesel
Connecticut-based Greenleaf Biofuels, LLC, has produced its 1 millionth gallon of biodiesel since opening its New Haven facility this summer. This company news release says most of that green fuel is going into local heating oil supplies. “We are extremely proud to have achieved this production milestone. Our team has worked tirelessly over the last six months to commission the …
New Jersey Advances Biodiesel Heating Oil Bill
A bill to make biodiesel part of all heating oil used in New Jersey advanced in the New Jersey legislature. NJPoliticker.com reports the “Bio-based Heating Oil Act,” sponsored by Assembly Deputy Republican Leader John Amodeo, moved out of the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee. “By transitioning to bio-based heating oil, we will be producing an efficient, environmentally safe energy source …
Biodiesel Production Starts at Promethean Biofuels
Earlier this summer, we told you about the deal between U.S. Energy Initiatives Corp. Inc. and California-based Promethean Biofuels for upcoming biodiesel refining. This Biodiesel Magazine article says they’re now actually producing biodiesel at Promethean’s 2.1 to 3 MMgy refinery. “We are just excited to be producing B100 biodiesel, which is a high-grade, single-source ASTM-quality biodiesel,” said USEI CEO Anthony …
Woman Abducted By Alien: Oil to Run Out by 2026
*BREAKING NEWS* Tiffany Hoffinhoffer was driving home near midnight from a work trip when she pulled over for fuel at a rural gas station located just outside Jewell Junction, Iowa. Tired and wanting to get home, she was going through the motions of filling up her gas tank when she says suddenly a bright purple light descended on her. Cupping …
Illinois Biodiesel Terminal Re-Opens After Repairs
Biodiesel deliveries started up again after repairs on a meter at the Buckeye Terminal’s Hartford, Ill., terminal. Biodiesel Magazine says the news was certainly welcomed by Gulf Hydrocarbon, the terminal’s biodiesel supplier. “We applaud the Buckeye Pipeline terminal employees for obtaining the part so quickly and managing the repairs and proving of the meter,” [Jess Hewitt, president of Gulf Hydrocarbon] …