Iowa RFA Polls Show Importance of RFS

John Davis

New polls from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) show support for the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and those presidential candidates friendly toward the RFS. This news release from the group says the RFS and renewable fuels will be key issues for Iowans in the 2016 general election. The poll, conducted by The Tarrance Group, shows “Iowa voters have …

biofuels, Iowa RFA, politics

Iowa RFA Praises State Legislature

Cindy Zimmerman

As the Iowa Legislature wrapped up the 2015 legislative session last week, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) praised several key pieces of legislation that were passed to expand use of higher ethanol and biodiesel blends. Before the gavel went down on the 86th General Assembly, Iowa lawmakers passed key legislation that allows E15 infrastructure investments to become eligible for …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, Iowa RFA

E15 Goes on Summer Vacation – Again

John Davis

On the heels of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) cutting of the amount of ethanol required to be mixed into the nation’s fuel supply, the agency’s inaction on another front means 15% ethanol blended fuel is going on summer vacation again as the government forces retailers in many areas to needlessly restrict E15 sales to flex-fuel vehicles (FFV) only …

E15, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, Iowa RFA

Biodiesel Use on the Rise in Iowa

John Davis

Biodiesel continues to be a pretty popular fuel in Iowa. This news release from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) says the state’s revenue department data shows pure biodiesel (B100) sales in 2014 increased by more than 15 percent over 2013 to an all-time-high of 33.3 million gallons and now accounts for 4.6 percent of Iowa’s total diesel supply, up …

Biodiesel, Iowa RFA

IRFA: Iowa ‘Gas Tax’ to Boost Biodiesel

John Davis

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) has joined the Iowa Biodiesel Board in welcoming a state gas tax that is awaiting the governor’s signature that will create a 3-cent per gallon differential tax rate for 11 percent biodiesel and higher blends. The IRFA says the measure would boost the availability and sales of cleaner-burning, locally-produced biodiesel. Under the legislation, diesel …

Biodiesel, Iowa RFA, Legislation

Students Recognized for Biodiesel, Ethanol Videos

John Davis

Students from Iowa have been recognized for their efforts to promote biodiesel and ethanol. The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) awarded prizes in its “Fuel the Future” Iowa High School Video Contest. Anna Steenson of Des Moines won first place in the contest for Iowa high school students. The IRFA awarded the senior from Central Campus a $1,000 grand prize …

Biodiesel, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Iowa RFA, Video

Iowa RFA “Ready to Roll” in 2015

Cindy Zimmerman

Iowa’s renewable fuels industry is “ready to roll” in 2015 if Tuesday’s 9th Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit is any indication. Speakers at the summit included Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, who represented the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition, former North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan, and General Wesley Clark (Ret.), Chairman of Growth Energy. Also speaking was former Pennsylvania Senator and potential presidential …

Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Iowa RFA