Clean Fuels Conference 202

Iowa Moves Forward Biodiesel, Ethanol Incentives

John Davis

While the fate of some national biofuels incentives remain up in the air, Iowa takes the bull by the horns and passes its own incentives for biodiesel and ethanol. The State House has followed the State Senate’s lead and passed SF2344, a measure that provides a incentive to producers $.02 per gallon refundable credit on the first 25 million gallons …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, Legislation

Forest Service Seeks Wood Energy Applications

John Davis

In honor of Earth Day today, the U.S. Forest Service is seeking proposals that expand wood energy use and support responsible forest management. This news release says the service is also offering a Wood Energy Financial App to help business leaders see a positive bottom line for these efforts. “USDA through the Forest Service is supporting development of wood energy …

Government, Miscellaneous, USDA

Biodiesel/Hybrid Car Achieves 100 MPG Equivalency

John Davis

Florida students have put together a biodiesel and battery powered hybrid that gets the equivalent of a gas-powered car getting 100 miles to the gallon. This story from NPR station WFSU says the Embry-Riddle University students designed the car as part of the EcoCAR 2 challenge, a program sponsored by GM and the U.S. Department of Energy that has university …

Biodiesel, EPA, Government

Analysis: Surviving Without Biodiesel Tax Credit

John Davis

While the expiration of the federal $1-per-gallon biodiesel tax credit (BTC) has been pretty tough on the industry this year, some biodiesel makers could survive without it. This analysis from The Motley Fool, a website that looks at investments, points to how biodiesel giant Renewable Energy Group and renderer and renewable diesel maker Darling International have business models that seem …

Biodiesel, Government, green diesel, Legislation, REG

Natural Gas, Solar Account for Lion’s Share of Adds

John Davis

Alternative energy sources made for a good showing of new power-generating capacity added last year. This report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows more than half of the utility-scale power generating capacity added last year came from natural gas-fueled plants, with solar accounting for another 22 percent – a significant increase from just 6 percent in 2012. Wind …

Government, Natural Gas, Solar, Wind

RFA: CARB’s ILUC Analysis Out of Date, Out of Step

John Davis

A biofuels advocate is taking exception with one state’s evaluation of indirect land use change associated with the green fuels. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) says the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) draft indirect land use change (ILUC) analysis is not in step with current ILUC science. Geoff Cooper, RFA’s senior vice president, notes in his submission that RFA is …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, RFA

NASCAR Leader Testifies for Biofuels

John Davis

The Senate Agriculture Committee held a hearing this week on advanced biofuels. Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow of Michigan says advanced biofuels are here now, and they are an important part of the energy title in the recently passed farm bill. “The Energy Title funds critical programs that helps our farmers produce energy from non-food sources and helps companies get low-interest loans …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, farm bill, Government, Legislation, NASCAR

EPA Chief Discusses RFS With Ag Journalists

Cindy Zimmerman

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy spoke to the North American Agricultural Journalists meeting in Washington DC on Monday and expressed confidence that the final rule for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) will be different than the proposed rule that reduces volume requirements for biofuels in 2014. According to Agri-Pulse McCarthy said EPA is in the process of reviewing more …

EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government

Minnesota Biodiesel Mandate Faces Uncertain Future

John Davis

A delay in Minnesota’s biodiesel mandate could have a ripple effect for more targets in the law’s future. This article in the Mankato Free Press says nearly three years ago, state regulators delayed implementing a B10 mandate scheduled for 2012. Now that officials in Minnesota believe they’re ready for the higher blend, it’s running dangerously close to another target, B20, …

Biodiesel, Government