Clean Fuels Conference 202

Corn Growers Establish Climate Task Force

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association Ethanol Committee has established a task force of corn farmers to focus on climate issues, such as land use change, greenhouse gas emissions, cap-and-trade policies, carbon sequestration and low carbon fuel standards. The team includes farmers from Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio. “There is a wealth of information and research on climate change that …

corn, Ethanol, global warming, Indirect Land Use, NCGA

New Ethanol Studies Released

Cindy Zimmerman

The Illinois Corn Growers Association today unveiled two landmark studies on ethanol that conclude production of the biofuel leaves a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline and has substantial room for growth without affecting corn supply to the food and feed sectors. Dr. Steffen Mueller, principal research economist at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Energy Resources Center, studied the carbon …

corn, Ethanol, global warming, News, Research

Questions, Discussions Dominate Transition Conference

John Davis

How do we meet carbon reduction goals? How do we reduce our carbon footprint with biodiesel and ethanol without actually creating more carbon from the production of those biofuels? What are the trade-offs and benefits we could see between securing our food supplies and our energy security? And how do we make all these things work while not damaging the …

Biodiesel, Environment, Ethanol, Farm Foundation, global warming, News

BioDiesel Powers Tracy Lyons ‘Mercury Rising Tour’

John Davis

It seems even entertainers can’t escape the momentum behind the growing renewable and alternative energy movement. Singer-songwriter Tracy Lyons is launching her ‘Mercury Rising Tour,’ a tour that will highlight alternative and clean energy technologies. Her tour will also operate on biodiesel. Singer-songwriter, veteran environmental activist and National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) advocate Tracy Lyons launches her 2007-2008 Mercury Rising …

Biodiesel, Energy, global warming

Announcing WIREC 2008

Cindy Zimmerman

The United States will host the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference March 4-6, 2008. The conference, which has been held previously in Bonn and Beijing, is an opportunity for government, private sector, and non-governmental leaders to jointly address the goal of advancing renewable energy. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky hosted stakeholders in the renewable …

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Cellulosic, conferences, Ethanol, global warming, Government, News, Wind

Ethanol and Energy Security

Cindy Zimmerman

Weather-related problems that have caused damage to refineries in the Midwest have highlighted the need to diversify our nation’s transportation fuel needs. This issue is not only important for consumers who are feeling the pinch at the gas pump, but also for our country’s overall energy security. This edition of “Fill up, Feel Good” discusses ethanol’s benefits in terms of …

Audio, Energy, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, global warming, Government, News

Florida Follows California Energy Lead

Cindy Zimmerman

Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed three Executive Orders Friday initiating Florida’s energy policy. The signing ceremony concluded the Serve to Preserve Florida Summit on Global Climate Change held in Miami this week. According to the governor’s press office, the Executive Orders carry out Governor Crist’s commitment to reducing Florida’s greenhouse gases and increasing energy efficiency. As a result, Florida will …

Biodiesel, conferences, Energy, Ethanol, global warming, Government, News

Summit on Energy Security

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2nd Annual National Summit on Energy Security is taking place today at the National Press Club in Washington DC, presented by 2020 Vision. This year’s summit has the theme of “National Security and America’s Addiction to Carbon: Solutions to Oil Dependence and Climate Change” and features Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN), Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), among …

Audio, conferences, EPIC, Ethanol, global warming, Government, News

Assist. Secretary of Renewable Fuels Suits Up

John Davis

The agenda for the Ethanol Summit changed at the last minute and just 24 hours before the event, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Andy Karsner, announced he would attend. Andy said ethanol is a key part of the solution to combating global warming. He said ethanol isn’t the silver bullet, but rather part of the …

Energy, Ethanol, global warming, Government, Indy Racing, News, Racing