A new Fuels America campaign spotlights who wins if we lose the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The top ten list includes: 1. Supertankers: Cutting production of U.S. renewables means more oil imports. 2. Big Oil Execs: Less ethanol in your tank means more in big oil’s wallets. 3. Asthma Inhaler Manufacturers: Cutting the RFS means dirtier fuel and dirtier air. …

Fuels America Campaign Reminds Drivers of Savings
Just as a good-sized portion of the country is hitting the road for Memorial Day weekend, Fuels America launches an ad campaign to remind drivers just how much they are saving at the pump, thanks to ethanol and biodiesel. The coalition of groups committed to protecting the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and promoting alternative fuels is airing the campaign on …
DF Cast: Fuels America Fights Back with “Oil Rigged”
Backers of renewable fuels say when it comes to the fight against Big Oil, the fight is rigged… oil rigged. Recently, Fuels America held a pair of news conferences. The first was to announce the launch of its “Oil Rigged” television and digital ad campaign and OilRigged.com, designed to “expose the many ways the oil industry is rigging the system …
Renewable Fuels Fuel Jobs and Economy
A new industry report released today shows how the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is creating jobs and significant economic impact. The Fuels America coalition released an economic impact study by John Dunham & Associates showing that the industry supports more than 850,000 American jobs and drives $184.5 billion of economic output. Renewable fuels now represent nearly 10% of America’s fuel …
Anti Corn Ethanol Legislation Sparks Outrage
Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Tom Coburn (R-OK) have introduced legislation to curb corn-ethanol use and production. The Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act of 2013 eliminates the corn ethanol mandate within the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), an energy policy that mandates the use of 36 billion gallons of biofuel in America’s fuel supply by 2022. “I am pleased to join …
EPA’s RVO Proposal Cannot Stand
Fuels America coalition hosted a media call in reaction to the EPA’s proposed renewable volume obligations (RVOs) today. The biofuels industry said they were disappointed and that the proposed volumes would set the entire industry back and that the EPA’s proposal cannot stand. During the call, Bob Dinneen from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) unveiled a new analysis showing how …
DuPont: Lowering RVO Targets Would Be a Mistake
A company with experience successfully commercializing a variety of new technologies says it would be a mistake if government targets for renewable fuels are lowered. During yesterday’s Fuels America conference call on the prospect the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could drop renewable volume obligations (RVOs) next year from the statutory level of 14.4 billion gallons to between 12.36 and 13.18 …
Fuels America Releases E15 Consumer Poll
Fuels America released a poll today that gauged consumer opinions of E15, a 15% ethanol, 85% gasoline fuel blend currently sold in nine states in the U.S. The poll comes on the heels of E15’s re-entrance into the American fuel market earlier this week. E15 was approved for use in vehicles 2001 or later nearly 14 months ago and today …
RFS Dominates DC Policymakers Conversations
Fuels America launched an educational program in Washington, D.C. this week to highlight the importance of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The program highlights the key benefits of the energy policy and includes messaging that carpets Metro stations most traveled by policymakers and their staff. “The RFS is important not only for corn farmers but also for our nation as …
Accusing RFS of Driving Food Prices is a Whopper
The National Council of Chain Restaurants (NCCR), the lobbying arm for the fast food industry, is returning to the Hill today to continue its anti-RFS (Renewable Fuel Standard) campaign. Food preparation is a tough job. With rising criticism for the industry’s high profits relative to low wage practices and advertising schemes, things for the industry are a bit rough these …