Mitigating Biofuels Effects on Food

John Davis

AACC International (formerly known as the American Association of Cereal Chemists) is inviting senior food industry executives to a three-day symposium and workshop to discuss the impact the biofuels industry is having on the food market. The AACC web site has more information on the seminar, titled “Biofuels and Food, Mitigating the Impact of Biofuels Demand on Food Ingredients” scheduled …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Miscellaneous

Groundbreaking at Janesville Ethanol Plant

John Davis

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty was among the dignitaries who attended the groundbreaking for a new ethanol plant at Janesville, Minnesota last Friday. The 100-million-gallon-a-year plant is being built by US Bioenergy, one of the leading ethanol producers in the country. From a company press release: “The start of construction on our Janesville plant marks another important milestone in the growth …

Ethanol, News

Ethanol Plants Could Make Biodiesel

John Davis

Ethanol refiners are looking at ways of getting more products out of the raw ingredients they are using, and one of those new products could be biodiesel. Normally, corn is used to make ethanol and soybeans are used in biodiesel. But this article on the Truth About Trade & Technology web site says many ethanol plants are looking at changing …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News

Ethanol Making OPEC Re-think Business

John Davis

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries… better known as OPEC… is starting to feel the heat of the increased use of biofuels. And the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition is asking you help keep them on the ropes. In a release sent to Domestic Fuel, the NEVC outlined what OPEC is saying and how the NEVC wants you to get …

Ethanol, News

RFA Praises Proposed Energy Bill

John Davis

As I reported earlier, there’s a lot of contention over the current energy bill being debated in the U.S. Senate as different factions try to get federal dollars, incentives, and requirements that will help their renewable (and, of course, non-renewable) energy industries. But one group that is pleased is the Renewable Fuels Association. In a statement e-mailed to, the …

Ethanol, Government, Legislation, News

E is Indy

Cindy Zimmerman

The slogan for the Indy Racing League is “I am Indy,” and that’s especially true for ethanol producers who are proud to be a part of this great sport. This month’s “Fill up, Feel Good” features comments from Tom Branhan of Glacial Lakes Energy, Don Endres of VeraSun Energy, Todd Lucey of Endress+Hauser, Team Ethanol car driver Jeff Simmons, and …

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, Indy Racing, News, Racing

Blame Energy Prices for Higher Food Costs

Cindy Zimmerman

According to a new analysis of food, energy and corn prices conducted by John Urbanchuk of LECG, LLC, “rising energy prices had a more significant impact on food prices than did corn.” In fact, rising energy prices have twice the impact on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food than does the price of corn, according to the report. “Energy …

Audio, Ethanol, News

Contentious Energy Bill Stalls in U.S. Senate

John Davis

The U.S. Senate has hit an impasse over a proposed energy bill that makes larger allowances for alternative energy, in particular, wind power, than previous energy bills. This AP story from says Democrats had hopes for an early vote on the measure, but Republicans were against many of the measures in the omnibus bill: The impasse over renewable fuels …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, Legislation, Wind

Experts Warn of Ethanol Glut

John Davis

Some experts are warning that the rapid growth in ethanol production could outpace this country’s ability to use it, possibly causing a glut of the alternative fuel. This story in the Los Angeles Times says possible distribution issues won’t help the matter: “It’s going to be a little bit of a bumpy ride, I think, but in the long run …
