Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Industry Rep Appointed to California Panel

Cindy Zimmerman

At least one ethanol industry representative has been appointed to an expert work group attempting to assess the true carbon footprint of all fuel sources under the California’s proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard. POET Senior Vice President of Science and Technology Mark Stowers has been appointed to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is one of 30 experts from around …

Cellulosic, Energy, Environment, Ethanol, POET

ALMS Partners with American Forests

Joanna Schroeder

American Le Mans Series (ALMS) is known globally for its environmental initiatives, and today is taking another green step with its partnership with American Forests to support its “dollar-a-tree” Global ReLeaf program. Nonprofit American Forests, has a goal of planting 100 million trees by 2020. ALMS has pledged to plant at least 5,000 trees during the 2010 race season with the …

American LeMans, Education, Environment

Going Green Can Save You Green

Joanna Schroeder

Last week, I wrote a story regarding President Obama’s executive order for the federal government to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 28 percent by 2020. One goal of this program is to get other companies to follow suit, but many companies don’t know where to start. Enter the Hondo Green Assessment Tool (HGAT). To learn more about how companies can …

Audio, Energy, Environment, global warming, transportation, water

Book Review – Break Through

Joanna Schroeder

How many people agree with the statement, “We should not leave the solution to our environmental issues to environmentalists.” Two proponents of this idea are Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenbeger with the Break Through Institute and author of a book by the same name, “Break Through: Why We Can’t Leave Solving the Planet to Environmentalists.” They write, “In the end, …

book reviews, Environment

Obama to Slash Gov’t GHGs by 28%

Joanna Schroeder

For those of you who still have President Obama’s State of the Union speech in your mind, then you may remember his call for the government to slash greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). He has followed through. Less than a week after the pronouncement, Obama has issued an Executive Order 13514 on Federal Sustainability for the federal government to slash GHG …

Energy, Environment, Geothermal, global warming, politics, Solar, Wind

Obama’s Message: Hope, News Jobs & Clean Energy

Joanna Schroeder

The nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the country that leads the global clean economy and America must be that nation,” said President Obama tonight during his first State of the Union address. “I will not accept second place.” There were several major focuses of his speech including the support of small businesses, building a stronger financial …

biofuels, Energy, Environment, Government, Legislation, News, politics, RFA

Book Review – Climate Cover-Up

Joanna Schroeder

This week we’re back to climate change, and the author James Hoggan, lays out the “crusade to deny global warming in “Climate Cover-Up.” For those of you familiar with the online green space, you may have come across the blog DeSmogBlog, which is co-founded by Hoggan. This site is dedicated to “out” those companies, experts and scientists who are (or …

book reviews, Environment

Wildlife Report Picks and Chooses Data

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has analyzed a new report out from the National Wildlife Federation on “Corn Ethanol and Wildlife” and found it lacking in accuracy. The University of Michigan study released last week claims to show “how government incentives for corn ethanol are driving farmers to shift land into corn production, resulting in significant decreases in grassland bird …

corn, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA

Solar Whale Boat to Clean Up Waterways

Joanna Schroeder

Entrepreneurs around the world have devised some clever ways to address global warming and here is another another one: a solar whale boat. Known as the Physalia, this 100 percent self sufficient energy amphibious garden is shaped like a whale and designed to clean up polluted waterways throughout Europe. Physalia  means water bubble in Greek and according to Vincent Callebaut …

Energy, Environment, Solar