No Mandatory Energy Funding in House Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

The House Agriculture Committee passed the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (FARRM) of 2013 by a vote of 36 to 10 late Wednesday night. While the bill does contain an energy title, an amendment to make funding of energy programs mandatory was defeated. “We thank the entire committee for reauthorizing the programs, but mandatory funding is vital to …

advanced biofuels, biomass, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, farm bill, Government

What Do Orca Whales and Solar Have in Common?

Joanna Schroeder

What do Orca whales and solar energy have in common? Nothing until now. Canadian Solar Solutions has donated solar modules to power the OrcaLab Whale Research Centre, on a remote island off the British Columbia coast near Alert Bay. OrcaLab has been recording the Johnson Strait whales for more than four decades. Founder, Dr. Paul Spong and his wife Helena …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Environment, Solar

MLP Parity Could Boost Renewable Energy Projects

Cindy Zimmerman

Legislation has been re-introduced in Congress that would give investors in renewable energy projects access to a corporate structure currently only available for fossil fuel-based energy projects. The Master Limited Partnerships (MLP) Parity Act modifies the federal tax code by helping additional energy-generation and renewable fuels companies form master limited partnerships, which combine the funding advantages of corporations and the …

Energy, Government, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind

Farm Bill Energy Title Introduced in Senate

Cindy Zimmerman

Legislation to reauthorize the Farm Bill energy title was introduced in the Senate Monday. Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Al Franken (D-MN) introduced the Rural Energy Investment Act to “help farmers, ranchers, and rural communities by encouraging the growth of agricultural energy technologies, including advanced biofuels, biogas, biomass, and renewable energies.” “These energy programs are essential for expanding clean energy …

Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, farm bill, Government, Legislation

New Wind Turbine for Low Wind Sites

Joanna Schroeder

Northern Power Systems has launched two new wind turbine models specifically designed for low wind sites. The NPS 60-23 and the NPS 100-24 are based on the NPS 100-21 platform, but according to the company, leverage product features that produce higher energy capture in low winds while reducing the noise profile of the turbine. To date, more than 20 of …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Wind

Study Shows Ethanol Reducing Footprint

Cindy Zimmerman

A new study indicates that ethanol production is continuing to reduce its energy and environmental footprint. The study, entitled “2012 Corn Ethanol: Emerging Plant Energy and Environmental Technologies”, found that recent innovations in corn ethanol production have resulted in increased yield per bushel even as less energy is required for production. Thermal energy use at a typical dry mill ethanol …

Audio, Energy, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA

CEC Debuts First Community-Owned Solar Project

Joanna Schroeder

The Clean Energy Collective (CEC) has cut the ribbon on the first community-owned solar array resulting from the Community Solar Garden Act. The 2010 Colorado legislation was sponsored by Representative Clair Levy as a means to encourage locally-produced clean energy. The Boulder Cowdery Meadows Solar Array was built on 3.5 acres of land located in South Boulder County and the …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Solar

Abengoa to Construct Cogeneration Plant in Texas

Joanna Schroeder

Abengoa has been selected by Rentech Nitrogen Partners, construct a cogeneration plant in Texas. The project will require an investment of approximately US$30 million and will create approximately 50 construction jobs. Abengoa will carry out the engineering, design and construction of the cogeneration plant under a lump sum turnkey contract (EPC) over 18 months. The cogeneration plant is expected to …

Electricity, Energy

FREIF Adds Two Mexican Wind Farms to Portfolio

Joanna Schroeder

The First Reserve Energy Infrastructure Fund (FREIF I) of First Reserve and Renovalia Energy have announced the expansion of their Renovalia Reserve joint venture with the addition of two wind power plants in Southern Mexico. The investments diversify the Renovalia Reserve portfolio beyond Europe into North America and nearly double the power capacity of the wind farm assets worldwide. Financial …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, International, Wind

Mosaic Releases Large Solar Project for Investment

Joanna Schroeder

Mosaic, an online marketplace that connects investors to high-quality solar projects, has released its largest solar project to date with $700k in investment opportunities. This is the company’s second project in its Golden State Series, a $100 million series of solar investments available to residents of California. Mosaic’s first offering, a $153,000 project for a charity in San Diego, sold …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Solar