Federal grants totaling $2.4 billion will be handed out for the development of fuel-saving, battery-powered vehicles. CNN reports President Barack Obama made the announcement at an RV plant in Elkhart County, Indiana: “For too long, we’ve failed to invest in this kind of innovative work, even as countries like China and Japan were racing ahead,” he said. “With these investments, …

The Great Electric Vehicle Race
Year after year Portland is named the county’s most sustainable city. Well, yesterday, San Fransisco, tired of its runner-up status, challenged Portland to The Great Electric Vehicle Race. San Fransisco Mayor Gavin Newsom threw down the gauntlet and Portland Mayor Sam Adams declared a war. It looks like they’re off to the races. The challenge is being hosted by Gas …
Rebate Program Encouraged Alt Fuels & Use
A recently exhausted rebate program in California is being credited with helping the state really increase its use of alternative fuels in vehicles. From its inception in February 2008 to its end this past April, the Fueling Alternatives program handed out $2.6 million to encourage consumers to buy alternative fuel vehicles. And this article from the San Diego (CA) Daily …
Oil Company Launches Battery-Powered Car
In what could be considered a paradox, an oil company has a car that won’t need any non-renewable petroleum. This article from the Gas2.0.org Web site says ExxonMobil is introducing the Maya 300, a lithium-ion battery powered car that can drive up to 120 miles on one charge… but looks and feels like a gasoline-powered car: The Maya 300 was …
Ohio State Students Win EcoCAR Competition
A team of students from Ohio State University are in the lead after the first phase of the three-year EcoCar: the NeXt Challenge that took place last week in Toronto, Canada. The actual challenge was to convert a Saturn VUE into an electric vehicle with increased fuel economy and lower tailpipe emissions. The team from Ohio State utilized a battery …
Five Steps to Becoming an EcoDriver
Summer is officially here and with it summer driving season (and high gas price season). As people pack their bags and head to the gas station to fill up for summer vacation, EcoDriving USA, a campaign from the Auto Alliance, is encouraging people to become “EcoDrivers.” EcoDrivingUSA claims that practicing “green driving” produces the highest miles per gallon, regardless of …
Bright Automotive Unveils The IDEA
In the race to develop and produce more efficient electric vehicles, Bright Automotive has launched a brand-new, 100-mpg plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) fleet vehicle –The IDEA. This is one of the first PHEVs designed “for the people by the people,” to compete in the light-duty truck market. The vehicle offers 180 cubic feet of interior space and a 1-ton payload …