Texas to Get Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

John Davis

Oil-rich Texas is beginning to look like an alternative fuel paradise. Drivers in Texas will soon have more opportunities … thanks to new infrastructure … to run their electric vehicles. Reliant Energy and Nissan Motor Company have announced that the two companies will work together to establish infrastructure, policies and services to support electric vehicle owners across Texas. The Dallas …

Car Makers, Electric Vehicles

Solar, Wind Top Survey Choices for Green Energy

John Davis

Americans want green energy choices, with the largest motivating factor for those choices being saving some greenbacks. And the top choices for that green-saving energy are solar and wind. The latest Nielsen Company Energy Trends report shows that 80 percent of the 32,000 respondents polled cited cutting costs as their main motivation for conserving energy: Overall, the study shows that …

Electric Vehicles, Solar, Wind

Electric, E85 and Biodiesel Lead Auto X Prize Finalists

John Davis

A mix of electrically powered and biodiesel and E85 ethanol fueled vehicles lead the list for the Automotive X Prize. This story from Consumer Reports says the $10 million prize will go to the team that makes a production-ready car that gets 100 mpg or the energy equivilant AND is sold at a profit for a reasonable price: “The teams …

Biodiesel, E85, Electric Vehicles, Ethanol, Ethanol News, News

Study: Cars Running Corn-Based E85 Outperform Telsa

Joanna Schroeder

The Biofuels Digest has reported that a new study found that cars running on corn-based E85 have 30 percent lower CO2 emissions over the car’s lifetime than the Tesla Roadster, an all electric vehicle running on coal-based electricity. These results are based on the new CAFE standards that were passed this summer. But maybe more interesting, the study found that …

Cellulosic, corn, E85, Electric Vehicles, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Competition Underway to Build Biofuel Snowmobile

John Davis

The race is on… but this time it’s to build a cleaner burning snowmobile. This post on the Good Green Cars blog says the Society of Automobile Engineers… aka SAE International… has challenged college engineering students to build a snowmobile that runs on biodiesel, ethanol or electricity: The snowmobiles will be rated in categories like emissions, noise, and acceleration.The idea …

Biodiesel, Electric Vehicles, Ethanol, Ethanol News, News

Utility’s Hybrid Trucks Part of Philly’s Freedom From Oil

John Davis

The energy company serving Philadelphia with electrical power is going to use its own product to run some of its vehicles. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Peco Energy Co. is buying and modifying about 20 Ford F550 utility trucks to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). The move is part of a bigger, nationwide U.S. Department of Energy pilot program: The …

Electric Vehicles

$300 Mil in Stimulus Bucks Stimulates Alternative Fuels

John Davis

Nearly $300 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act… aka the “Stimulus Bill”… funds are being handed out by the U.S. Department of Energy to replace or change more than 9,000 vehicles so they will burn alternative fuels and/or make them more fuel efficient, as well as establish nearly 550 alternative refueling stations across the U.S.. Energy Secretary Steven Chu …

Biodiesel, Electric Vehicles, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Natural Gas

ZAP Secures $25 Million in Funding for EVs

Joanna Schroeder

ZAP, a company leading the way in electric vehicle (EV) development, announced that it has secured $25 million in new financing with Cathaya Capital, L.P. Ultimately the investment will be managed by its affiliate partner Better World International who is developing EV charging infrastructure. ZAP will use a portion of the funding to pursue longer-term contract production and assembly commitments, …

Company Announcement, Electric Vehicles, News

NREL – Launches Mobile Alternative Fueling Station Locator

Joanna Schroeder

Drivers now can take a popular tool on the road thanks to the staff at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The Mobile Alternative Fueling Station Locator (MAFSL) helps on-the-go drivers find the five closest biodiesel, electricity, E85 (ethanol), hydrogen, natural gas, and propane fueling sites using any mobile device with Internet access. Before launching the device, NREL said that …

Biodiesel, Education, Electric Vehicles, Ethanol, Hydrogen, Miscellaneous, Natural Gas, News, Propane