The 10th annual Biofuels Financial Conference is right around the corner. This year’s theme is “Managing Expectations” and will focus on ways the successful biofuels facilities are watching for ways to manage capital, reinvest profits and help their plants evolve says John Christianson, CPA and Partner at Christianson & Associates, PLLP, based in Willmar, MN. The Biofuels Financial Conference is …

DOE’s Moniz to Speak at WINDPOWER 2015
For the first time, U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Secretary Ernest Moniz will speaking at WINDPOWER, the largest wind industry event in the U.S. The annual conference and expo is hosted by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and will be held this year in Orlando, Florida May 18-21, 2015. Secretary Moniz will speak during the Welcome & Opening General …
FEW Set to Break Records
The International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo (FEW), is taking place June 1-4, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is set to have the largest number of ethanol producers ever gathered at an industry event with more than 600 producers. During the course of the event, they’ll discuss issues categorized into four tracks: Track 1: Production and Operations; Track 2: Leadership …
GEA Rolling Out Industry Assesment
The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) is rolling out an industry assessment and early results show that there were 3,150 permanent, onsite employees, or 1.17 permanent jobs per megawatt installed, at geothermal power plants in California and the West. According to GEA, this is 19 times that of reported onsite employment of wind projects and 5 times reported onsite employment for …
Pacific Ag CEO to Speak at BIO Pacific Rim Summit
The CEO and founder of the nation’s largest agricultural residue and forage harvesting business will be discussing biofuel feedstocks on a panel at the BIO Pacific Rim Summit in San Diego this week. Bill Levy of Oregon-based Pacific Ag will take part in the panel which will explore the realities faced by feedstock producers in today’s marketplace. Panelists will delve …
UK Supports Ocean Energy Development
Leaders in Europe (UK) are supporting ocean renewable energy and announced their commitment to accelerate the development during the Ocean Energy Europe 2014 that took place in Paris, France this week. Ministers from France, the UK, Ireland, Portugal and Greece all highlighted European collaboration as the key to commercialization. Industrial heavyweights such as DCNS, GDF SUEZ, Alstom and Siemens also …
10 Facts About Geothermal Energy in Oregon
The GRC Annul Meeting and Geothermal Energy Expo is taking place September 28-October 1, 2014 in Portland, Oregon. To get people excited, the Geothermal Energy Association has created 10 facts about geothermal energy in Oregon. There is about 33 MW of geothermal power on-line in Oregon producing 165 GWh in 2013. The latest industry survey identified 19 projects under development …
Saudi Poultry Industry Eyes Solar-Diesel Hybrids
The agricultural industry in Saudi Arabia is looking to reduce fuel costs and increase energy efficiency with solar-diesel hybrid solutions. In particular, the poultry industry could greatly benefit from using solar-hybrid generators replacing traditional diesel generators. The technology was discussed in Riyadh leading up to the Desert Solar Saudi Arabia conference taking place September 17-18, 2014. “Hybrid solar-diesel systems are …
Symposium Examines Critical Energy Infrastructure
The Midwest Energy International Symposium will look at how the U.S. will confront a host of energy environment and infrastructure challenges over the next two years. The event will take place on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at the Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center located in Bettendorf, Iowa. Speakers and panelists will provide valuable information and insights regarding energy exports including ethanol, …
Food, Water Security Focus of Water for Food Event
The role of data in water and food security will be explored in the upcoming Water for Food Global Conference taking place in Seattle, Washington October 19-22, 2014. Global food demand is growing. With a changing climate and increased competition for scarce water resources, people are now faced with the complex challenge of needing to double agricultural production by 2050 …