USDA Report Notes Role of Biofuels in Carbon Reduction

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA’s 90-Day Progress Report on Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry which includes stakeholder input on how to best use programs, funding and financing capacities to encourage the voluntary adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. The report also supports the role of agriculture in de-carbonizing the transportation sector. The growth of the U.S. biofuels sector, driven in part by the Renewable Fuels Standard, …

Audio, biofuels, carbon capture, Climate Change, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

Ethanol Report 3-4-21

Cindy Zimmerman

This edition of the Ethanol Report explores ethanol’s role as a “net-zero hero” with highlights from the 26th annual National Ethanol Conference (NEC). The report includes remarks from David MacIntosh, Environmental Health & Engineering Inc.; Stefan Unnasch with Life Cycle Associates; and Michael Berube, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation, who all spoke at the 2021 NEC. In addition, we …

Audio, carbon capture, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Glacial Lakes Energy Joins Carbon Capture Project

Cindy Zimmerman

Glacial Lakes Energy (GLE) of South Dakota has joined the partnership with Summit Carbon Solutions to make a clean energy source even more environmentally friendly. Last week, Summit announced a carbon capture project that will result in an annual reduction of 10 million tons of carbon dioxide or the carbon footprint equivalent of 2 million autos. Glacial Lakes Energy has …

carbon capture, Ethanol, Ethanol News