Biofuels Industry to EPA: Restore Lost Gallons

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol and biodiesel producers, corn and soybean farmers, all had the same message to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding proposed renewable volume obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) – restore the gallons of biofuel blending volumes lost under the numerous small refinery exemptions granted by the agency over the past two years. Industry organizations delivered comments to the EPA …

ACE, Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA, NFU, RFA, RFS

No Details on Small Refinery Waiver Mitigation

Cindy Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue was tight-lipped last week at the Farm Progress Show when it came to details of the administration’s “small refinery waiver mitigation efforts” that President Trump “really wants to announce himself.” “I don’t want to steal the president’s thunder on that,” Sec. Perdue said during a listening session held Wednesday morning at Richland Community College on …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farm Progress Show, USDA

Sen. Ernst Visits DuPont Biofuels Enzyme Plant

Cindy Zimmerman

DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences hosted Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) at its plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa earlier this week. During a tour and town hall with employees, Sen. Ernst and DuPont leaders discussed the positive impact of strong national biofuels policy on America’s farmers, on the environment, and on consumer choice at the pump. “DuPont’s investments in new and advanced …

biofuels, Dupont, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Educating #SturgisRally Bikers about E10 Once Again

chuck zimmerman

From the Ag Media Summit and IFAJ Congress to the Sturgis Rally at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. There is quite a difference in the local flora and fauna if you know what I mean. Here’s the Renewable Fuels Association team with Rusty Wallace of racing fame and Rod Woodruff, owner of the Buffalo Chip. We’ll be doing on-stage promotions and …

AgWired Energy, biofuels, Ethanol, RFA

Coalition Goes to Court Over Biofuel Waivers

Cindy Zimmerman

A coalition of seven agricultural and biofuels organizations is seeking court action to force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to account for lost biofuel volumes resulting from small refinery exemptions granted by the agency. The coalition consisting of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), Growth Energy (Growth), National Biodiesel Board (NBB), National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), …

ACE, Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA, RFA, RFS

New Corn Hybrids Could Benefit Ethanol and Biodiesel Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

Benson Hill Biosystems has entered into a partnership with Brownseed Genetics, a Wisconsin-based seed breeder of new corn hybrids that are higher in both oil content and essential amino acids offering added value for farmers, ethanol and biodiesel producers. “Brownseed’s focus on varieties with both quality and productivity benefits can generate greater profitability for growers, livestock producers, and the ethanol …

Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News

BP and Bunge Grow Biofuels Business in Brazil

Cindy Zimmerman

BP and Bunge have formed a 50:50 joint venture to create a world-scale producer of sugarcane ethanol in Brazil, BP Bunge Bioenergia. BP will combine its Brazilian biofuels and biopower businesses with that of Bunge and BP’s interest in the new venture will grow its existing biofuels business by more than 50 percent. Brazil is the world’s second largest and …

biofuels, Brazil, Ethanol, Ethanol News, International, sugarcane

Phibro Ethanol Performance Group Offers New Yeast Products

Carrie Muehling

New yeast products from Phibro Animal Health Corporation‘s Ethanol Performance Group feature improved technology. “Ethanol production is a very efficient industry. The technology keeps improving and lately yeast has been driving those improvements,” said Michael Giambalvo, President, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group. “We understand fermentation, preventing and managing plant infections and the key role of yeast in biofuel production. Yeast has …

biofuels, Ethanol, Renewable Energy

Ethanol Report on 2020 RVO Proposal

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday issued proposed volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard program for calendar year 2020, with a total renewable fuel volume of 20.04 billion gallons, of which 5.04 billion gallons are advanced biofuel, including 540 million gallons of cellulosic biofuel. That leaves the 15-billion-gallon requirement for conventional renewable fuels like corn ethanol unchanged from 2019. …

Audio, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, RFA, RFS

Renewable Fuels Association Features E85 Can-Am Conversion

chuck zimmerman

During the Fuel Ethanol Workshop (FEW) this year the Renewable Fuels Association featured a racing Can-Am X3 (2018 model) which has been converted to running on E85. This beautiful vehicle wrapped with the RFA’s “Fueled With Pride” image, has been racing this season. The extra horsepower provided by the E85 fuel has provided a performance boost as you’ll hear RFA’s …

AgWired Energy, Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA