No RVO Proposal Yet

Cindy Zimmerman

The biofuels industry was left hanging Friday when the rumored release of proposed blending obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) failed to happen. American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) CEO Brian Jennings said late Friday they remain hopeful the numbers that were reported would also prove incorrect. “We hope they’re wrong,” said Jennings. “If they are right, it just seems …

ACE, Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News

USDA Invests in Climate Smart Ag for Low Carbon Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will invest nearly $75 million for 15 partner-led projects to address natural resource concerns on private lands. The projects include a $7.5 million investment in the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE)-led Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) project to secure farmers premier access to low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) markets based on their adoption of …

ACE, Audio, corn, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Low Carbon Fuel Standard, USDA

Groups Sound Alarm Over Proposed RFS Cuts

Cindy Zimmerman

Farm and biofuel groups are sounding the alarm over detailed reports that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to announce major cuts to biofuel blending requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). “While a formal proposal has not been released, the expected standards would destroy a decade of progress on low-carbon biofuels and brazenly violate the promises that President …

ACE, Ag group, Audio, Biodiesel, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Fuels America, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Iowa Senator Concerned About RVO Proposal

Cindy Zimmerman

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is concerned about rumors the Renewable Volume Obligations the Biden administration is reportedly set to release on Friday. “You know what happens if something is unpopular it always happens at five o’clock on Friday,” said Grassley during his weekly press call with farm reporters Tuesday. “If we get a bad RVO out of EPA, the farmers …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, RFS

Vilsack Discusses Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

During an appearance before the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and Agri-Pulse Ag Outlook Forum Monday, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack addressed concerns about the proposed tax credit for sustainable aviation fuel that it might leave out corn and soybean feedstocks. Agri-Pulse editor and president Sara Wyant asked the secretary if we can expect the administration to “weigh in …

Agri-Pulse, Audio, aviation biofuels, biojet fuel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, feedstocks, Soybeans, USDA

Ethanol Report RFA 40th Anniversary – Randy Doyal

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association was born in 1981 and RFA is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year by spotlighting some of the pioneers in the ethanol industry who were there at the beginning, like Randy Doyal. Doyal is CEO of Al-Corn Clean Fuel in Claremont, Minnesota and has been an RFA board member since 1995, serving as board chairman in …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Vilsack Announces Renewable Energy Investments

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Thursday that USDA is investing $464 million to build or improve renewable energy infrastructure and to help rural communities, agricultural producers and businesses lower energy costs in 48 states and Puerto Rico. USDA is financing $129 million of these investments through the Rural Energy for America Program and $335 million through the Electric Loan Program. …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Energy, USDA

USDA COVID Aid and Infrastructure for Biofuels Coming Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

During a town hall style webinar with Farm Journal Editor Clinton Griffiths last week, USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said payments for biofuels producers impacted by the pandemic could come in the very near future. “We made the decision to put resources into the biofuel industry and I would expect and anticipate we’re going to be seeing announcements on …

Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

ACE Urges Hearing on Next Generation Fuels Act

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is asking for a hearing to be held on the “Next Generation Fuels Act of 2021” (H.R. 5089) to address some concerns they have about the bill which was introduced by Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL). Specifically, ACE is requesting testimony on how the bill would remove market barriers to ethanol and improvements that should …

ACE, Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Ethanol Report from Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association had a very visible presence at the 2021 Farm Progress Show, held August 31-September 2 in Decatur, Illinois. RFA Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White said it was a great opportunity to see and talk with farmers, but it also proved to be a time to meet with members of Congress who are working to …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA