Getting things moving this morning at the 7-11 pump promotion was Rahal-Letterman driver Jeff Simmons (front) and 7-11 Manager for Gasoline and Environmental Compliance, Scott Johnson.

7-11 Pump Promotion
Today’s ethanol pump promotion has taken place at the 7-11 station in Romeoville, IL. Pictured here is Shahid, one of the owners.
His store partnered up with the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council to provide ethanol-blended gasoline to consumers for $2.20/gallon. Before all the action got started I interviewed Shahid about the promotional event. He says ethanol is good for the environment and his customers and is happy to have the event taking place at his station today.
Fill Up Feel Good at Iowa Corn Indy
The latest “Fill Up, Feel Good” podcast from the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council is about the Iowa Corn Indy 250 announced last month to take place at the new Iowa Speedway. The podcast features comments from Iowa Speedway VP of Operations Craig Armstrong, Iowa Corn Promotion Board chairman Kyle Phillips and Ethanol Promotion and Information Council Executive Director Tom …
FlexFuel Motors Display
A new exhibit out here at the Farm Progress Show was put together in just the last 45 days by FlexFuel Motors. The man who’s the inspiration and work horse behind it is Tad Whitten, Motor Sports Management, Inc. Besides having a variety of vehicles on display that utilize ethanol or biodiesel, he built a replica of the first ethanol …
Farmers Visiting The Ethanol Car
It seems like the number 17 Team Ethanol Indy Car is all over the place. It’s here on display at the Farm Progress Show courtesy of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC). The man who’s been touring this around is Alan Slunecka, farmer and brother to EPIC Executive Director, Tom Slunecka. The vehicle here has a simulator attached and …
Energy and Rural Development
Our USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development, Thomas Dorr was on hand here at the Farm Progress Show. In my interview with Sec. Dorr we talked about renewable energy. I asked him to talk about the upcoming “Advancing Renewable Energy: An American Rural Renaissance” conference that USDA is conducing with the Dept. of Energy in St. Louis, Oct. 10-12. He …
Ag Secretary On Energy
Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns toured the Farm Progress Show today.
Dupont/Bunge Announce Treus
One of the big announcements here at the Farm Progress Show on opening day was from Bunge and Dupont who have a biotech alliance. Basically they’ve created a new brand, “Treus.” This is being done to “reflect their expansion of the companies’ soy collaboration beyond food and nutrition products to include industrial applications, biofuels and other opportunities.” Low linolenic soybean …
Debunking The Food vs. Fuel Myth
The incoming 1st Vice President of the National Corn Growers Association is Ron Litterer, Greene, IA. Here at the Farm Progress Show, I talked to Ron about the impact of using more and more corn for fuel and what his thoughts are on the issue of how that affects other uses of the commodity. Ron’s being interviewed here by Tom …