Fill Up, Feel Good Podcast

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest “Fill Up, Feel Good” podcast from the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council is on ethanol making tracks all over the racing world. It features interviews with people who use ethanol in competition vehicles, including tractor pulls and sprint cars, as well as Indy car drivers Jeff Simmons and Danica Patrick and a guy who makes fast cars go …

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good

Todd Sneller Interview

Chuck Zimmerman

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman & Todd SnellerTodd Sneller, Administrator of the Nebraska Ethanol Board (right of NE Gov. Dave Heineman) says that the board was created to help consumers understand and know that ethanol is safe to put in their vehicles. He says they conducted a 2.2 million mile test of ethanol blends in the mid 1970’s to get EPA certification for the blends.

Audio, Ethanol