Rhesa Ledbetter from Utah State University was one of the students who attended the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference. Chuck caught up with her for an interview and she explains her research in algae biodiesel fuel. Rhesa finished her master’s in micro-biology and then decided she wanted to do a project that was really applied. To her biodiesel products seemed to …

Gas Hole’s Impact on the Industry
When Jeremy Wagner and Scott Roberts made the movie Gas Hole a couple of years ago, they had no idea the impact it would have. During the recent 2014 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo the co-directors/producers presented to attendees, showed an extended excerpt from the movie and did a little Q & A. Chuck caught up with the team and …
How did the ‘Polar Vortex’ affect you?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How did the ‘Polar Vortex’ affect you?” Old man winter hasn’t left and chances are won’t anytime soon. This winter’s buzz word has been polar vortex. Has your winter been different then others? If so, has it been caused by this new buzz word. Or has winter at your house been about normal? Well, …
Results in on Google Glass
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Would you wear Google Glass?” Some are still unsure what Google Glass is and even more have no desire to wear them at all. But those techies out there look willing to jump on the bandwagon with Chuck and see how these computers you wear on your face could make work easier or simply …
Google Glass – New Tech for Ag?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How is your health insurance for 2014?” We had a pretty low voter turn out for this ZimmPoll. It may be due to the holidays, but I’m thinking it might be due to confusion. Most people probably still haven’t figured out how their personal health insurance plans will change, if they will change and …
Top Ten Posts From 2013
As we look back over the past year, we thought we would share the Top Ten most viewed/read/visited posts of 2013. Many of the posts were from previous years. We didn’t include them in this Top Ten list, but it is a good example of the longevity of our stories. Do you have a favorite Domestic Fuel post from 2013? …
New Ethanol Video Released
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) just released “40 Facts About Ethanol,” an animated video review of ethanols past, present and future. “This video proves once and for all that today’s ethanol is not your father’s ethanol. The ethanol industry has made impressive strides in the last 30 years in production volumes, foreign oil displacement, production efficiencies, co-products, job creation, and …
Internationalists Share Views On US Competitiveness
During the recent 2012 Export Exchange a few key leaders in the international market took the stage in a panel to share their perception on United States competitiveness in grain production. Adel Yusupov, Southeast Asia Regional Director for US Grains Council, served as the moderator for the panel. Panelists consisted of: Willis Wu-Yeh Cheng, Chairman, Charoen Pokphand (Taiwan) Mousa Wakila, …
Outlook For The Supply & Demand Of DDGS
Distiller grain production was a hot topic discussed throughout the 2012 Export Exchange. Dr. Bob Wisner, Agriculture Extension Economics at Iowa State University, shared his research on the future of DDGS and what we can expect in the coming years. He also spoke on how this years drought affected DDGS production and it’s long-term affect on our US supply. “The …