Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your favorite way to eat peanut butter?” It’s official…you can put peanut butter on anything. We had votes all over the board with this poll. But it is clear people like peanut butter. Some of the top ‘others’ we got included apples and toast. Here are the poll results: PB & J – …

Getting Farm News You Can Use
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “I prefer to get my farm news from:” I am sure many of the younger generation feel real magazines and radio are a little out dated, but it is clear that they still serve a purpose when it comes to getting news that is relevant to our industry. Computers seem to easily take the …
Varying Opinions on Farming Tech
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How can technology make farming even better?” We all seem to have a different opinion on what type of farming technology would be the most beneficial. Right now I am leaning towards weather control. It would be nice to simply click a button when we need some rain. I still believe that is a …
Cellulosic Ethanol – Innovation at it’s Finest
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What are your thoughts on cellulosic ethanol?” As the possibility of cellulosic ethanol grows it looks like popularity will as well. We may be far from buying it at the pump, but people still seem to be excited about the technological innovation. Here are the poll results: Innovation making it happen – 43.2% Very …
How Will the EPA Water Rule Will Impact You?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What will be on your Independence Day grill?” It looks like most people stuck with the traditional 4th of July grillers. Hamburgers and hot dogs topped the list and I can’t say I am surprised. Maybe everyone was saving their creative genius for the fireworks display. Our poll results: steak – 14% hamburgers – …
Many Still in the Heat of Hay
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Where are you in #hay14?” It looks like farmers across the United States are all at different stages with this year’s hay crop. On our farm we started out with a bang. But were soon falling behind due to rain. No one is complaining about the rain though. I think I can easily speak …
Biobased Products Important for Ag
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How important are biobased products for agriculture?” An overwhelming majority of those polled believe biobased products serve a purpose in the agriculture community. At the USB Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue in Washington D.C., USDA officials shared what they are doing to expand biobased opportunities. Listen to those interviews here. Our poll results: Very – need …
Verdicts in on Co-existence of Organic & GMO Crops
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Can organic & GMO crops co-exist?” It’s clear everyone has their own opinion on this topic. And it’s important that farmers are able to voice their opinions and farm the way they see fit. Many pollers believe that organic and GMO crops can live harmoniously on the same or neighboring farms. But cross pollination …
Farmers Favorite Features of MyNewHolland.com
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What features of MyNewHolland.com do you like?” It’s been just over a month since the launch of New Holland North America’s MyNewHolland.com, an online destination for all things New Holland and open to all farmers. The ability to keep up with equipment inventory seems to be a highlight for those who have taken advantage …
What Features of MyNewHolland.com Do You Like
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is the best way to market to millennials? “ I think we all could have guessed that marketing online to millennials is used most often. Digital forms of media are easily in our grasp with smartphones, tablets and computers. However, I was surprised that radio beat TV. Our poll results: Online – 52% …