Navy Welcomes 1st Solar-Powered EV Charging Station

Joanna Schroeder

Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mid-South officially welcomed into service the Navy’s first solar-powered electric car charging station with a ribbon cutting ceremony. During the ceremony NSA Mid-South Executive Officer Cmdr. Brad Meeks thanked the combined Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) and Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) team that brought the station online. He noted that the new photovoltaic carports are …

Alternative energy, Electric Vehicles, Electricity, Solar

Farmers, City Slickers Connect Through Soy Biodiesel

John Davis

Farmers and folks from the city might not have a lot in common (although more than most people realize), but they’re united by their love of biodiesel. This week, the United Soybean Board (USB) and Empire Clean Cities are recognizing New Yorkers’ efforts to reduce dependence on foreign oil, while going green and creating American jobs. “America’s soybean growers are …

Biodiesel, Soybeans, USB

Introducing One Stop Solar Projects

Joanna Schroeder

One Block off the Grid (1 BOG) has introduced a new one-stop-shop model that allows homeowners to compare pricing and financial options such as leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs), much like they would on Kayak or Expedia. The difference: homeowners also receive unbiased guidance throughout the process from an independent 1BOG solar specialist. 1BOG is now offering PPAs and …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

Borrengo Solar Systems has announced its solar expertise contribution to “The Green Schools Investment Guide,” a free resource guide available to K-12 schools that demonstrates how schools can implement healthy and resource-efficient building improvement. Development of the guide was led by the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council and Architecture for Humanity. The Department of Environmental …

Bioenergy Bytes

Ag Marketing is Not So Good

Talia Goes

Before we get to our new ZimmPoll let’s look at the results of our latest one which asked the question, “ Is agriculture doing a bad job of marketing?” Our poll results: Sixty-five percent said Yes, Consumers Losing Trust, twenty-one percent said Yes, Industry Thinks It’s Not Needed, twelve percent said No, Consumers Trust Food Supply, and three percent said …


Uesugi Farms Turns Barren Land Into Ripe Commodity

Joanna Schroeder

Usegui Farms has turned barren farm land into a rip commodity with solar energy. Vista Solar along with Uesugi Farms’ General Manager Pete Aiello and several local leaders dedicated the solar power project with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The solar project was installed by Vista Solar and is now producing enough power from the sun to offset 91.5 percent of …

Agribusiness, Electricity, Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar

Hawaii Co. Uses High-Vacuum Distillation for Biodiesel

John Davis

Making the cleanest, highest quality biodiesel is the goal of most refiners of the green fuel. A Hawaii company has completed testing on a high-vacuum distillation (HVD) unit at its new biodiesel facility, and this article from Biodiesel Magazine says the folks at Big Island Biodiesel, a part of Pacific Biodiesel Technologies and in partnership with Hawaii Renewable Energy Development …


Groups Ask For Water “Road Map”

Joanna Schroeder

Leaders of the Committee for the American Clean Energy Agenda (ACEA) praised Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and 22 of her House colleagues for urging new U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz to release the long overdue “road map” on how to manage the development of U.S. energy resources without harming the quality and supply of water supplies. The Energy Policy …

Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environment, water

Tenaska Imperial Solar Hosts “Power On” Event

Joanna Schroeder

Tenaska Imperial Solar Energy Center South has added its latest solar project, located in Imperial Valley, CA, to the grid. The company held a “Power On” event to commission to solar project with more than 130 people in attendance. The energy produced will be delivered to San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) Sunrise Powerlink. The project was the first under …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Solar