It looks like there’s a very high expectation among our various audiences that commodity prices will go higher. You haven’t sold all of last year’s soybeans have you! We asked the question, “Will commodity prices be higher or lower a year from now?” Overwhelmingly, 70% said higher while 21% said about the same and only 9% lower. Our next ZimmPoll …

No-Till Farming Shows Up Strong In ZimmPoll
In our latest ZimmPoll we asked our farming readers about tillage practices with the question, “Which tillage practice do you employ on most of your farming operation.” It looks like No-Till is the winner with 24%, followed by Conventional at 21%, Other at 9% and Strip-Till at 6%. Our next ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “Will commodity …
Sustainability Hard To Define
We had the most results of any ZimmPoll so far with the question: “What does “sustainability” really mean to the public?” By a big margin, most say “A combination of factors” at 47%. That’s followed by “Farm managed for profit/growth,” 25%; “green,” 13%; “organic,” 10% and “local,” 5%. So I think it’s safe to say that sustainability is not understood …
Number of Farm Groups Is Probably About Right
The results are in for the latest ZimmPoll. The question: “What do you think about the number of farm groups?” Our readers are not shy about letting us know their opinions and we appreciate that. The results: 33% say there are too many, 28% say the more the merrier, 25% say some are not needed but most are and 14% …
Latest Poll Shows Mixed Response On Biofuels Policy
It should be an interesting year in the biofuels debate. The response to our latest poll shows some pretty divided results which might make it interesting to see how Congress handles things after hearing from their constituents. In answer to the question “What do you think will happen with biofuels policy this year?” Our results are that 38% say there …
Wx To Have Most Influence On Ag According To ZimmPoll
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think will have the biggest influence on ag in 2011?” Here are the results. Most respondents (40%) think weather patterns will have the biggest influence. Other responses include: general U.S. economy (24%); new Republican leadership in House (13%); farm bill (10%); other (10%) and company consolidation (3%). So if you selected …
Ag Has Work To Do To Improve Public Image
It looks like agriculture has a ways to go to change public perceptions according to our latest ZimmPoll. In answer to the question, “Do you think the general consumer perception of agriculture changed in 2010?” 43% say “No it didn’t really change,” while 30% say “Yes, it got worse,” and 27% said “Yes, it improved.” Where do you fall in …
ZimmPoll Says Social Media Participation Strong
Here are the results of our latest ZimmPoll. In answer to the question, “Do you participate in social media?” the majority say they do. According to the numbers, 53% say yes and they post regularly, 28% say yes but they rarely create their own posts, 27% say no and they never will and only 1% say no but plan to …
ZimmPoll Results Are In
The results of the first ZimmPoll are in. The question was “How do you think agricultural interests will fare in the new Farm Bill?” We thought we’d give you an easy one to start. The results were pretty well mixed with “Too early to tell” getting the most votes. You can add your comments about the question or the results …
Introducing The ZimmPoll
Starting today we’re launching a new feature on all the ZimmComm New Media news websites, including Domestic Fuel. This is a weekly quick-vote style poll which we’re affectionately calling the ZimmPoll. The ZimmPoll is designed to gauge your opinions on a range of topics, including agriculture and agribusiness, emerging technologies and consumer trends. Look for a new poll each week …