Clean Fuels Conference 202

Can Farm Movies Improve Ag’s Image?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do you think farm movies can help the public image of agriculture?” It looks like the majority polled believe these farm movies can play a positive role in improving the agricultural industries image. Getting people to theaters to watch them might be tricky, but the old fashioned word-of-mouth advertising could be the ticket. I, …


Ag Advocates Nationwide Celebrate Ag Day

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How will you celebrate Ag Day?” National Ag Day is nothing new to the agriculture community, but that doesn’t weaken the importance of it’s purpose. Our poll results showed an even spread of those heading to D.C. to celebrate Ag Day, participating via social media and taking a farmer to lunch. It was also …


Most Say Open Ag Data Alliance is Good Idea

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think of the Open Ag Data Alliance?” Over half of those who participated in this week’s poll thought the Open Ag Data Alliance (OADA) was a great idea. Even though many are for this new software project, there are many who are questioning it’s benefits and believe it is confusing. If …


It’s Fish Eating Time of Year

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your favorite fish?” Looks like grilled is a favorite by a landslide. Personally, I agree. I didn’t learn to like fish until later in life and still don’t cook it often, but love when someone makes it for me. It is interesting to see all the fast-food chains adding a fish sandwich to …


Majority in Ag Boycott Chipotle

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think about Chipotle’s Farmed & Dangerous?” An overwhelming majority said they have boycotted Chipotle and I am proud to say I fit into that majority. I also believe Chipotle should be ashamed and have decided I don’t need to watch their recent stunt to know they are bad news. Thank you …


Many Say They Would Use E15 or E85 if Available

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “If available, would you put E15 or E85 in your vehicle?” Although for different reasons, the majority of you said you would use E15 or E85 in your personal vehicle if it was available. It seems the availability is the question. When will we see more stations carrying different blends of ethanol beyond the …


Are Higher Blends of Ethanol For You?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How does farm economy compare to general U.S.?” Results varied, but the majority say they feel the U.S. farm economy is better then the general economy. As we move further into 2014 it will be interesting to see how small herd numbers and the drought in California affect people’s outlook. Our poll results: WAY …


Farm Economy Vs. Overall Economy

Talia Goes

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s best in the new farm bill?” More than a third of our respondents agree that crop insurance tops the charts, along with nothing. We see a bit of an oxymoron there! Our poll results: Crop insurance – 31.25% None – 31.25% Conservation – 9.38% Rural Development – 9.38% Energy – 6.25% Specialty Crops …


What do You Like in New Farm Bill

Chuck Zimmerman

Before we get to our new ZimmPoll let’s look at our latest one which asked the question, “Could drones (UAV’s) serve a purpose on your operation?” Well over half of the voters this week said that drones could in fact serve a purpose on their operation. Price is still a factor and may be the reason that some operations would …

farm bill, Farming, ZimmPoll

Could Drones (UAV’s) Be Utilized On Your Operation?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your opinion of state HSUS Ag Councils?” We had an overwhelming large turn out of voters for this controversial ZimmPoll question. The majority of voters agree that if the HSUS label is present in anything, then it can’t be trusted. However, many are eager to work with the group. Everyone is entitled to …
