Clean Fuels Conference 202

Companies Shifting to Clean Energy

Joanna Schroeder

As climate talks begin to wind down in Qatar, a new report, “Power Forward: Why the World’s Largest Companies are Investing in Renewable Energy,” has been released by Calvert Investments, Ceres and World Wildlife Fund. The report concludes that many of the world’s largest companies are not waiting for binding treaties and subsequent polices, rather they are integrating clean energy …

Alternative energy, Carbon, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environment, Renewable Energy, Wind

Should We Shush Wind Turbines?

Joanna Schroeder

Scientists in Australia are studying where wind turbine noise comes from and how it might be reduced. Not a new concern, researchers from the University of Adelaide in the Flow and Noise Group at the School of Mechanical Engineering are building a scale-model turbine in a wind tunnel. They are also building an acoustic test room around the turbine. In …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Renewable Energy, Wind

Chamber CEOs: Prioritize Clean Energy

Joanna Schroeder

How many Americans realize that we’re still on a fiscal cliff and that the danger has not been averted? Hopefully the majority of us realize this as Congress debates away during this year’s lame duck session. Many issues are under the microscope, but one that many believe is a key priority in economic growth and policy discussions, including the local …

Clean Energy, Solar, Wind

Offshore Wind Within Reach Off Eastern US Shores

Joanna Schroeder

The Obama administration has announced competitive lease sales for wind energy development off the eastern coasts of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Virginia. This is the first time that a portion of the outer continental shelf will be leased for renewable energy development. There are several areas proposed for leasing: the Virginia coast could support more than 2,000 megawatts of wind generation; Massachusetts and …

Alternative energy, Carbon, offshore wind, Renewable Energy, Wind

WindMade Label Expands

Joanna Schroeder

During the COP18 climate talks in Doha, The WindMade organization announced the development of a new consumer label for companies and products made using renewable energy. The label is backed by UN Global Compact, WWF, Vestas Wind Systems and the Global Wind Energy Council. WindMade was launched in 2011 as the first global consumer label for companies powered with wind …

Alternative energy, Climate Change, Geothermal, Hydro, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind

Teaching Biofuels in School

Joanna Schroeder

Shane Robinson, associate professor in the Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership wants to teach students math and science through green energy and biofuels. He is partnering with the OSU Biobased Products and Energy Center (BioPEC), who has an objective to provide education about biobased products and energy through secondary education. “A focus of ours is …

Alternative energy, biofuels, Education, Environment, Renewable Energy, Wind

Report: Wind Energy Reduces GHG Emissions

Joanna Schroeder

Environment America has released the new report, “Wind Power for a Cleaner America: Reducing Global Warming Pollution, Cutting Air Pollution and Saving Water,” detailing how current power generation from wind energy prevents as much global warming pollution as taking 13 million cars off the road each year. With the Production Tax Credit (PTC) quickly reaching its expiration date, Environment America is …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Environment, offshore wind, Renewable Energy, Research, Wind

EU Parliament Budgets €6 Billion for Clean Energy

Joanna Schroeder

The European Parliament’s Energy and Research Committee (ITRE) voted to allocate 6 billion Euros to clean energy research. This is nearly two-thirds of the entire energy research budget, of 80 billion Euros, to cover renewables, energy efficiency, smart grids, and storage. “MEPs have understood how crucial wind energy and other renewables are to the EU’s economic growth, technology leadership, fighting …

Alternative energy, Electricity, International, Renewable Energy, Wind

EC: Save Carbon Trading System; Need Key Actions

Joanna Schroeder

The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has been busy promoting wind energy throughout the European Union (EU). Last week, the European Commission identified key actions to develop the internal energy market by 2014 that included the phasing-out of regulated electricity prices and the Commission was also critical of capacity payments. In addition, the proposal lacks further development of the internal …

Alternative energy, Carbon, International, Renewable Energy, Wind

2012 State-by-State Resource for Renewable Energy

Joanna Schroeder

The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) has released its 2012 Renewable Energy in the 50 States, an online, interactive resource. The report compiles updated financial data, resource potentials, market, and policy information for the renewable energy sector for all 50 U.S. states. In 2011, the total installed base of renewable electricity exceeded 145 GW in the United States, with …

advanced biofuels, Alternative energy, biofuels, Geothermal, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind