Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper told nearly 1,000 National Ethanol Conference attendees today that while the U.S. ethanol industry had a “tough year” in 2018, it “continued to deliver huge wins for consumers,” including lower gas prices, cleaner air, a more secure energy supply, and increased job creation. As part of his State of the Ethanol …

Next Gen Biodiesel Scientists Take One Small Step
As we celebrate 50 years since that first small step for man on the moon, the Next Generation of Biodiesel Scientists (NGBS) are continuing to take that giant leap for mankind doing research here on Earth for the future. NGBS co-chair Jennifer Greenstein, North Carolina State University, moderated a panel of four young scientists from around the world during the …
Farm Bill Poised for Passage
The Senate voted 87-13 yesterday to pass the 2018 Farm Bill approved by the conference committee this week and the House is expected to do so soon. “We think the farm bill’s in very good shape,” said President Trump as he sat down with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), just before getting into a spat with …
Growth Energy Launches TV Ad for Year Round E15
Growth Energy released a new television ad this week stressing the vital role ethanol plays in rural America’s economy and asking Congress to support making E15 year-round a reality. The latest ad campaign begins this week and will appear on televisions in Washington, D.C. and select markets across the heartland. “The drive to give consumers cleaner, more affordable options at …
Crappie Masters National Championship Winners
The winners of the 2018 Crappie Masters National Championship at Truman Lake in Clinton, MO last week were two 21-year-old Missouri natives, Matthew Rogers and Baylor Mead. For the second consecutive year, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) sponsored the national fishing tournament, which highlights the use of 10 percent ethanol (E10) in all …
Secretary Sonny Shows Ethanol Support
A rally organized by corn and ethanol producers at the Farm Progress Show got the attention of USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue and Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey who stopped by to show their support. It was a last minute decision by the secretary, who brought greetings and another promise from President Trump, who called Perdue as …
Weather Causes Early End to FPS18 Day One
There’s always something new at Farm Progress Show and this year a big storm caused something that has never happened before – an evacuation and shut down of the show before noon. Rain had been in the forecast for the day, but everyone was hoping it would either miss us or not be too bad. However, when the storm was …
2018 ACE Conference Kicks Off
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) kicked off its 31st annual conference at the Renaissance Depot Hotel in Minneapolis discussing some of the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. The theme of the 2018 conference is “Grit Wins” and ACE CEO Brian Jennings commended attendees for staying strong in the face of attacks oil refiners have launched on ethanol this …
On Stage Promotion by RFA at #SturgisRally
From Monday through Thursday this week the Renewable Fuels Association team gets on the Wolfman Jack Stage at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip to promote Free Fuel Happy Hours. Here you can see RFA’s Robert White letting the huge crowd know that the beach balls the team is tossing off stage need to be checked because some of them have $50 …
Custom RFA Ethanol Motorcycle Leads Legends Ride
The Renewable Fuels Association’s new custom ethanol motorcycle, driven by RFA’s Robert White, took the lead in the 11th annual Legends Ride as part of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The race this year was for the benefit of the Special Olympics South Dakota – Rapid City Flame and Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame and RFA sponsors of the …