A Kansas farmer has been recognized by the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) for his work for the biodiesel industry. The Kansas Soybean Commission announced that their primary representative on the NBB for the past 12 years, Harold Kraus from Hays, picked up NBB’s Friend of Biodiesel award during a membership meeting in Washington, D.C.: “Harold has been a tremendous advocate …
Biodiesel Ally Chides House Over Farm Bill Defeat
The Farm Bill in the U.S. House goes down to defeat, and that was not welcome news to one of biodiesel’s allies. The American Soybean Association (ASA) said it is disappointed frustrated with the 195-234 defeat of the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013. ASA President Danny Murphy, a soybean farmer from Canton, Miss, issued the following …
Students Win Clean Air & Biodiesel Poster Contest
The American Lung Association in Minnesota and the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council recognized three Minneapolis students for their entries in the Clean Air & Biodiesel Lesson & Poster Contest. This Biodiesel Magazine article says the contest, open to 5th and 6th graders, helped demonstrate how biodiesel helps to protect clean air and protects our health: The winners are …
Farmers, City Slickers Connect Through Soy Biodiesel
Farmers and folks from the city might not have a lot in common (although more than most people realize), but they’re united by their love of biodiesel. This week, the United Soybean Board (USB) and Empire Clean Cities are recognizing New Yorkers’ efforts to reduce dependence on foreign oil, while going green and creating American jobs. “America’s soybean growers are …
Tractor Pullers to Run On 100% Biodiesel
Those high-powered tractors that scream down the track will have even more sternum-rumbling power as they’ll soon be running on 100 percent biodiesel. This United Soybean Board news release says the National Tractor Pullers Association (NTPA) will allow for the pure green fuel in all of their diesel pulling classes this season. It’s good news for the pullers, who will …
Biodiesel Ups Bean Prices Without Raising Food Prices
Soybean growers are getting more for their beans because of biodiesel, but consumers aren’t being pinched by higher food prices at the grocery stores. According to the United Soybean Board, a new study done for soybean checkoffs in Minnesota, Nebraska and the Dakotas show that biodiesel production has pushed U.S. soy oil prices higher than they were before the green …
Kit Teaches Students Wonders of Soy Biodiesel
Biodiesel made from soybeans is a clean fuel for many gas tanks, including the buses that haul kids to school. Now those same children hauled by the green fuel can also get a lesson in chemistry from it. The Indiana Soybean Alliance is offering a Soy Biodiesel Chemistry Kit, touted as a valuable educational science lab for high school students, …
Illinois Soybean Assn. Gets Pumped Up for Biodiesel
The Illinois Soybean Association’s checkoff-funded campaign touting the benefits of biodiesel is getting ready to make its next stop at a major petroleum tradeshow. Started in early February, ISA’s “Get Pumped Up!” On Biodiesel campaign goes to Indianapolis, Ind., for the Midwest Petroleum and Convenience Tradeshow (M-PACT), April 16-18th: “A strong and growing biodiesel industry strengthens the Illinois soybean industry …
Soybean Association Asks Candidates About Biodiesel
As I noted in the most recent Domestic Fuel Cast, neither President Barack Obama or former Governor Mitt Romney get too specific when talking about renewable energy (ethanol was mentioned just once by name during their three debates in October, and biodiesel seemed to be just about as absent). But that doesn’t mean they won’t mention these things when directly …
World Grain Buyers Get US Producer Perspectives
Grain buyers from around the world in attendance at the 2012 Export Exchange had the opportunity to embrace the US producers perspective on the 2012 crop through a producer panel during the opening general session. Key panelists were Ron Gray, Illinois farmer and Secretary/Treasurer of the US Grains Council, and John Mages, Minnesota farmer and Chairman of the Minnesota Corn …