Checkoff Targets Big Yields for Biodiesel Feedstock

John Davis

A farmers’ checkoff is targeting research to get bigger yields for this country’s primary feedstock for biodiesel. This story from Biodiesel Magazine says the United Soybean Board wants to increase average soybean yields by about 50 percent in the decade. “Yield research has been the center of checkoff research since the organization was established,” said Gregg Fujan, who leads the …

Biodiesel, Soybeans, USB

Biodiesel to Help Drive Soybean Consumption

John Davis

Biodiesel looks to be one of the factors that will help consume the record amount of soybeans expected to be planted this year. This analysis from the University of Illinois’ Darrel Good says the expected 81.493 million acres of soybeans this year reflects a strong demand worldwide. The USDA projects consumption of U.S soybeans and soybeans imported in to the …

Biodiesel, Soybeans

ASA Applauds Biodiesel Tax Credit in Package

John Davis

Soybean growers are welcoming news of a couple of important measures moved forward in legislation for biodiesel. The American Soybean Association says a two-year extension of the dollar-per-gallon biodiesel tax incentive and a reinstatement of the pre-2014 expensing amounts for farm infrastructure and equipment under Section 179, both in the Senate Finance Committee Chairman’s Tax Extenders Package, are key issues …

Biodiesel, Government, Legislation, Soybeans

IRFA: Strong Plantings Report Calls for Strong RFS

John Davis

Expected big plantings of corn and soybeans underscore the need for a strong Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). New estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) show a possible record amount of soybeans expected to be planted this year and the fifth largest corn acreage to be planted as well. The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) says these factors show …

Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, feedstocks, Government, Iowa RFA, RFS, Soybeans, USDA

EPA Biodiesel Proposal, Tax Credit Priorities for ASA

John Davis

Soybean growers attending the recent Commodity Classic see the government’s proposal to cut biodiesel and the expiration of the federal biodiesel tax credit as their top priorities to take on this year. At a news conference at the annual meeting of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum growers in San Antonio, American Soybean Association (ASA) Chairman Danny Murphy, a grower from …

Audio, Biodiesel, Commodity Classic, EPA, Soybeans

Biodiesel Finds Allies at Commodity Classic

John Davis

Commodity Classic is the annual meeting that attracts more than 7,000 corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum farmers, but it’s also a great place to find biodiesel and ethanol producers. Joe Jobe, CEO of the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) says they make sure to connect with their allies from the commodity groups, especially those soybean growers. “Biodiesel is made from a …

Audio, Biodiesel, Commodity Classic, corn, EPA, NBB, RFS, Soybeans

Idea Leads to Cellulosic Ethanol, Scholarship

John Davis

An idea that started back when he was just an elementary school student has led a Tennessee high schooler to picking up a substantial scholarship that he says will help him further his own energy business. Caleb Brannon of Puryear, Tenn. was selected as the recipient of the 2014-2015 ASA Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Scholarship, a $5,000 award presented to …

Audio, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Soybeans

Student Talks Biodiesel By-Product at Conference

John Davis

The cutting edge of innovation was certainly on display at the recent National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in San Diego. Among the many innovations was a University of Kansas graduate student, who, with a little financial assistance from the folks at the Kansas Soybean Commission (KSC), talked about a new use for the biodiesel by-product, glycerin. Derek Pickett … was …

Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference, NBB, Research, Soybeans, University

Biofuels’ Feedstock Growers to Host Ag Secretary

John Davis

The growers of the two biggest biofuels feedstocks, corn for ethanol and soybeans for biodiesel, will once again host the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for their biggest meeting of the year. For the fifth time in a row, Tom Vilsack will deliver the keynote address to Commodity Classic, the annual convention and trade show for corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum …

Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Government, Soybeans

Biodiesel’s Role in Bio-based Products

Jamie Johansen

Director of bio-based products for the United Soybean Board (USB), Michael Erker, was one of the many attendees of the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference. He works with many bio-based products including biodiesel. He gives insights into what bio-based products that contain biodiesel include and shares how involved USB is in funding biodiesel research. “When we talk about bio-based products made …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference, Soybeans, USB