Kyocera Corporation has launched a new fun, interactive and educational website aimed at people of all ages to learn about solar energy and its role in combating global environmental concerns. The “Solar Power Expo” website is designed to give the student the experience of visiting a large outdoor solar power exposition with five unique pavilions featuring diverse themes. With engaging …

Online Briefing: “Roadmap to Bankability”
AltaTerra Research is hosting an online briefing aimed at the renewable energy industry, particularly, the solar industry, to help them learn how to obtain financing. “Roadmap to Bankability: A Discussion with Matt Cheney on Getting New Technology Financed & Deployed” will be held Thursday, February 3 at 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern. Matt Cheney is the founder of …
Book Review – Why We Hate The Oil Companies
Two, four, six, eight, who do we love to hate? The oil companies! Despite my story lead, I was not a cheerleader in another life but I couldn’t get that cheer out of my head while I read this week’s book, “Why We Hate The Oil Companies Straight Talk From An Energy Insider,” by John Hofmeister. I recently gave Mr. …
With a Little Help From My Friends
I’m feeling a bit nostalgic this first week of 2011 for the days of affordable energy prices, environmentalists who still understood change for the greater good and for a biofuels industry that not only got along but were actually friends. We’re only four days into the new year and some energy economists have declared that $3.00 per gallon gas prices …
Solar Funnels Convert Sun into Hydrogen
According to a new article published by a team of researchers from CalTech and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology there may be a new way to harness the energy of solar even when the sun is not shining. Led by Sossina Haile, she along with her colleagues are looking at ways to produce hydrogen and syngasses by using solar …
Book Review – The Impending World Energy Mess
With only two days left in 2010, I thought “The Impending World Energy Mess” was only fitting for review as we head into 2011. It is also fitting for another reason, it ties nicely into the story I brought you earlier this week, $5 Gas Prices on the Horizon. The authors, Dr. Robert L Hirsch, Dr. Roger H. Bezdek, and …
Reindeer Navigation Tips
Santa and his reindeer have a lot to navigate on Christmas Eve. But with the growth of solar panels on roof tops, Guelph Hydro Inc. has thought it best to send a brief note to Santa and his reindeer to advise them about how best to navigate the solar photovoltaic panels that are being installed on their roof. Once the …
Book Review – The Burning Wire
Ecoterror has made it into mainstream fiction. OK, so its been there for a while but it made it into the latest book by one of my favorite authors, Jeffrey Deaver. (I know it’s a shocker, but I actually read for fun too). His latest book, the Burning Wire, focuses around an ecoterrorist who uses electricity from an East Coast …
Victory on the Hill
The solar energy industry has a reason to smile this morning as the Congress passed the tax bill with amazing speed late last night. Today, the Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) President and CEO Rhone Resch said of the passage of the one-year extension of the Treasury Section 1603 program, “After a year’s worth of effort, we are now close …