Clean Fuels Conference 202

Think Tank Ponders Cellulosic Ethanol Link

Cindy Zimmerman

A new report from centrist think tank Third Way ponders the quest for cellulosic biofuels and concludes that the pathway is via corn ethanol. “This report confirms what the biofuels industry has been saying for some time now – that you cannot have cellulosic ethanol without the continued production and support of grain-based ethanol,” said Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis. …

advanced biofuels, AEC, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, RFA, RFS

Farmers Union Concerned Over RFS Omission

John Davis

The National Farmers Union (NFU) is concerned that Pres. Obama has left the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) out of his plan to cut greenhouse gases. This news release from the group says NFU President Roger Johnson isn’t pleased about the omission in the president’s formal submission of a plan to the United Nations that would cut the United States’ greenhouse …

Ag group, biofuels, Government, NFU, RFS

Biodiesel Group Files Petition over Argentina Imports

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) wants a recent decision to streamline Argentinian biodiesel imports to the U.S. put on hold pending public review and comment. In a petition filed Monday with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, NBB cited the lack of public comment on the EPA decision and “little transparency regarding the plans Argentinian producers can use to demonstrate …

Biodiesel, EPA, NBB, RFS

Ethanol Supporters Counter Funding Request

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol and agriculture industry groups sent their own letter to House Appropriations leadership in response to a group of lawmakers calling for the elimination of funding for blender pumps or corn ethanol export promotion. The letter signed by the Renewable Fuels Association, American Coalition for Ethanol, National Farmers Union, National Corn Growers Association, and Growth Energy calls on the subcommittee …

ACE, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, NCGA, RFA, RFS

EPA Changes Cellulosic Waiver Credit Provisions

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final rulemaking this week to clarify the data sources and methodology used to calculate the Cellulosic Waiver Credit (CWC) price. Under the rule, EPA has calculated the CWC prices for 2014 at $0.49 and for 2015 at $0.64. According to the EPA document, “The price of CWCs are determined using a formula specified in …

Cellulosic, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFS

Ethanol Fly-In Focus on RFS

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) and more than 70 of its members have been in Washington, DC this week meeting with lawmakers, administration officials, and top staff members as part of the group’s “Biofuels Beltway March” annual fly-in. The group had 160 meetings with lawmakers or their staff representing 43 states scheduled during the two day event with a …

ACE, Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, RFS

Biofuel Advocates Invite Candidates to Learn RFS

John Davis

It won’t be long until presidential candidates invade Iowa once again (and some already have). So, Iowa-based America’s Renewable Future (ARF) has publically invited Sen. Ted Cruz and all potential 2016 presidential candidates to tour Iowa renewable fuel facilities across the state to learn more about the success of the industry. “The goal of our organization is to educate candidates …

Ag group, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, politics, RFS

Emerging Issues Forum Features Biz Issues & Trends

Joanna Schroeder

The 10th annual Ethanol 2015: Emerging Issues Forum is set for April 16-17, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska hosted by the Nebraska Ethanol Board (NEB). The event is designed for ethanol producers and others integrally involved in production, technology, policymaking and marketing of ethanol and its co-products. NEB has announced that Paul Argyropoulos, senior policy advisor to the Office of Air …

biofuels, Ethanol, Renewable Energy, RFS

EPA Chief and Ag Secretary on RFS at NFU

Cindy Zimmerman

The heads of both the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency spoke to the National Farmers Union (NFU) convention in Wichita Monday and talked about the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy admitted that her agency was “in the hot seat” over the RFS after failing to set standards for the industry last year. “The …

EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NFU, RFS, USDA

Iowa Biodiesel Plant Latest Victim of Govt Inaction

John Davis

An Iowa biodiesel plant is the latest victim of the government’s inaction on measures that are aimed to help the biofuels industry. This article from the Dubuque (IA) Telegraph Herald says the 30-million gallon nameplate Western Dubuque Biodiesel has had to stop production completely – just another of the too many biodiesel refiners that have had to shut down due …

Biodiesel, EPA, Government, RFS