Clean Fuels Conference 202

Remembering the Original RFS

Cindy Zimmerman

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen keeps a signed copy of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which included the original Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), hanging on the wall of his office as a reminder of how far the industry has come since then. It was signed 12 years ago this week by President George W. Bush …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS

Gov. Ricketts to Keynote ACE Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts will welcome the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) back to Omaha as keynote speaker for the 30th annual ACE conference, coming up Aug. 15-17. “The governor has served as a great advocate for Nebraska’s ethanol industry, and we look forward to hearing his perspective from recent meetings he’s had with President Trump and EPA Administrator Pruitt …

ACE, ACE Ethanol Conference, Ethanol, RFS

Ethanol Report on EPA Hearing and Court Decision

Cindy Zimmerman

Last week’s court decision on what EPA can consider when setting volume obligations for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard was still fresh in mind as the industry provided feedback on the agency’s most recent proposals for next year during a public hearing in Washington D.C. this week. In this edition of The Ethanol Report podcast, Renewable Fuels Association president …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, RFA, RFS

RFA Urges EPA to Increase Cellulosic Ethanol RVO

Cindy Zimmerman

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Bob Dinneen today urged the Environmental Protection Agency to increase its proposed cellulosic ethanol requirement to reflect growing bolt-on technologies at existing ethanol plants. “We understand the agency’s dilemma in establishing an appropriate RVO for cellulosic ethanol, but we truly believe the agency has erred on the side of pessimism with regard to …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS

Industry Preparing for August 1 EPA Hearing

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a public hearing in Washington, DC on Tuesday, August 1 for the recently released proposed rule for volume levels of ethanol and biodiesel under the Renewable Fuel Standard for 2018 and 2019. As with previous RFS hearings, all of the major stakeholders are planning to attend and let EPA know what they like …

advanced biofuels, Cellulosic, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS

Why Oil Companies Hate E15 and the RFS

Cindy Zimmerman

Commentary by Bob Dinneen, Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO In a statement as predictable as the sunrise, the American Petroleum Institute (API) said yesterday that EPA’s proposal to slightly reduce 2018 RFS blending volumes “does not go far enough.” True to form, API instead called on Congress to “fix” the program, citing a litany of familiar myths and misinformation …

Commentary, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS

Industry Reacts to Proposed Biofuels Levels

The ethanol industry and corn farmers are pleased, but biodiesel producers and soybean growers are not so much with new proposed levels for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) released by the Environmental Protection Agency. The 2018 RFS level for conventional biofuels, including corn ethanol, was maintained at 15 billion gallons, the maximum under current law, which Renewable Fuels …

AgWired Energy, Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, EPA, Ethanol, RFA, RFS

RFA CEO Revs Up Ethanol Producers at #FEW17

Cindy Zimmerman

The Fuel Ethanol Workshop has been one of Renewable Fuel Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen’s favorite meetings to attend for the past three decades. “Because the people in this room have passion for what you do,” said Dinneen during his keynote address at #FEW17 on Tuesday. “You make the juice – and that is something extraordinarily special.” In his …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, RFA, RFS

Numbers Tell Story of RFS Success

Cindy Zimmerman

Twelve years since the original Renewable Fuel Standard was passed in 2005 and 10 years after it was expanded in 2007, the numbers tell an objective story of how successful the legislation has been in a new analysis by the Renewable Fuels Association. “RFS Impacts: By the Numbers” compares data from 2005 and 2007 to 2016 and gets some pretty …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, RFA, RFS

Video Explains Impact of Changing RFS Obligation Point

Cindy Zimmerman

The Main Street Energy Alliance (MSEA) has released a video about the negative impact of shifting the Renewable Fuel Standard’s (RFS) point of obligation. “It’s important for Americans to understand that shifting the point of obligation in the Renewable Fuel Standard will disadvantage small business owners and decrease the overall consumption of renewable fuels in the country,” said Michael Steel, …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFS, Video