Take the Flex-Fuel Challenge

Cindy Zimmerman

Young people all over the country are encouraged to take the Flex-Fuel Challenge and help pave the way for our nation’s renewable energy future. The Renewable Fuels Association is kicking off the initiative today at Kansas State University and unveiling a new website, e85challenge.com to get college students engaged in the debate surrounding issues that impact their future: the economy, …

E85, Ethanol, Promotion, RFA

“2008 an Anomaly Year”

Joanna Schroeder

“When the  history books are written, 2008 most likely will go down as an anomaly year, ” began John Urbanchuk, Director of LEGC, LLC. Housing market crash. Financial market crash. Global recession. Commodity boom and bust. Wave of bankruptcies. “We slipped into a recession in December 2007, ending a seven year run of economic growth.” But, he continued, President Obama, in his address …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

NRDC’s Take on Indirect Land Use

Joanna Schroeder

Indirect land use has been a hot topic at this year’s 14th annual National Ethanol Conference. The ethanol industry has been working closely with many organizations on this issue including the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). I caught up with Nathanael Greene, Senior Policy Analyst–Air and Energy, after he participated in the panel: The Impact of Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

New Corn Ethanol Land Use Study Released

Joanna Schroeder

Indirect land-use affects of corn-based ethanol would be “small” reported Thomas Darlington, with Air Improvement Resource, Inc., today during a special press conference as part of the National Ethanol Conference. Darlington has been working with RFA to help legislators, in particular the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) better understand Land-Use Change. Indirect land use research …

Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Petroleum Gives Keynote Address to Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The vice president of the American Petroleum Institute provided the keynote address at the 14th Annual National Ethanol Conference in San Antonio on Tuesday. Introducing Jim Ford with API, Renewable Fuels Association president Bob Dinneen stressed the importance of working with the petroleum industry. “They’re our customers, they’re the ones bringing our product to the consumer, so we have to …

Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Small Engine Challenge for Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

As the ethanol industry pushes towards higher level blends, one of the biggest challenges will be small engines. Kris Kiser, Executive Vice President of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, spoke to the National Ethanol Conference on a Marketing Higher Level Blends panel. “We are not anti-ethanol,” said Kiser. “We are simply concerned about the welfare and well being of the …

Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

State of Ethanol Industry Still Strong

Cindy Zimmerman

The state of the U.S. ethanol industry is still strong, despite significant challenges, according to Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association. “Some look at what we’re up against and see “an industry in crisis.” I look at what we’re up against and see an industry with the perseverance and determination to succeed,” said Dinneen in his …

Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News, RFA

State of Ethanol Industry Live

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2009 State of the Ethanol Industry report will be webcast live on the Renewable Fuels Association Ethanol Report blog – http://www.ethanolrfa.org/ethanolreport/ – and on Domestic Fuel beginning at 8:15 am central time. The address will be made by RFA president and CEO Bob Dinneen from the National Ethanol Conference in San Antonio, TX.

Ethanol, RFA