A new video launched by the Renewable Fuels Association makes the point that other fuels have indirect effects, not only biofuels. The video, which shows images of burning oil wells, oil spill damage, oil contamination of natural habitat, and the destruction brought on by oil exploration and tar sands excavation, is meant to draw attention to the Environmental Protection Agency’s …

Get Ready to FuelChat Again
Clear your calendar for a #FuelChat coming up next week on September 23 at 2:00 pm Eastern time. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is hosting this second open on-line Twitter chat to answer questions and offer information about all things ethanol. The first FuelChat was held in July during the evening hours but after some consultation and research, it was …
RFA Announces Flex Fuel Photo Winner
Snapping a photo of his daughter stopping to smell the flowers paid off for Rich Johnson of Omaha, Nebraska who has been named the winner of the Renewable Fuels Association Flex-Fuel Challenge Summer Photo Contest. Rich’s photo was judged based on creativity as well as quality out of more than 1,100 photos submitted in the contest this summer. As the …
Ethanol in the Classroom
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF) are partnering with teachers and the National FFA Organization to provide tens of thousands of high school students information about the opportunities available to them in the field of renewable fuels. “America’s energy future rests squarely in its high school classrooms today,” said Mike Jerke, chairman of the RFF …
Ethanol Report on USDA Crop Forecast
This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features comments from Geoff Cooper with the Renewable Fuels Association on today’s increased corn crop forecast from USDA, how it disputes the indirect land use change theory and food versus fuel debate. Cooper also comments on the importance of ethanol to our national security as we remember the anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks …
Minnesota Ethanol Plant Grand Opening
After more than three years of planning and construction, Highwater Ethanol in Lamberton, Minnesota is ready to open the doors and celebrate. The plant was officially announced on June 7, 2006 and began grinding corn last month. The new 55 million gallon a year facility will hold its grand opening on September 11, the eighth anniversary of terrorist attacks on …
Ethanol Report on RFA CEO at Farm Progress Show
This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features an interview with Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen during a visit to the 2009 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois on September 2. Dinneen discusses the need to increase the amount of ethanol allowed in gasoline above the current 10 percent, the Environmental Protection Agency rulemaking on the expanded Renewable …
Ethanol Supporters Urged to Comment on RFS2
The clock is ticking down on the comment period for the expanded Renewable Fuels Standard, better known as RFS2. The Environmental Protection Agency will be taking comments until September 25th – just 18 days from now. Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is urging ethanol supporters to make their voices heard now on this important …
Ethanol Production Numbers Announced for June ’09
U.S. ethanol production is on the rise with the news that the industry has set new production records. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), American ethanol facilities produced 694,000 barrels per day (b/d) in June 2009. That is up 109,000 b/d from a year ago. Ethanol demand, as calculated by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), continues to outpace production. …
Ethanol in Focus at Farm Progress Show
Everywhere you go at the 2009 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois this week, people are talking about ethanol. Over at the corn grower tent marked by 30+ foot high corn stalks and an E85 blimp hovering overhead, they have information about how the carbon footprint of corn production has declined substantially in recent years and they are encouraging farmers …