Fluid Quip Technologies (FQT) announces the installation of its Distillers Corn Oil (DCO) Technology™ at the Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) plant in Benson, Minnesota. FQT’s DCO Technology™ enhances the mechanical separation of distillers’ corn oil from whole stillage, directing it into the thin stillage stream and clarifying the stream to reduce fine solids before reaching the evaporation and oil …

ICM and Western New York Energy to Implement FOT Oil Recovery™ system
ICM, Inc. this week announced a strategic collaboration with Western New York Energy to implement ICM’s cutting-edge FOT Oil Recovery™ system. Under the terms of the agreement, ICM will be responsible for engineering, equipment procurement, and installation of its proprietary FOT Oil Recovery™ system at WNYE’s advanced facility in Medina, New York. This agreement marks the sixth commercial installation of …
Ontario Plant to Install Whitefox System
Whitefox Technologies is pleased to announce that IGPC Ethanol in Aylmer, Ontario will install a Whitefox ICE® membrane dehydration system. The installation project is anticipated to be completed by the end of this year. Jackie Hayes, Whitefox Business Development Manager North America, said this represents the company’s first installation in Canada. “Whitefox has had a strong presence in Canada for …
DuPont Launches SYNERXIA® Gemstone Yeasts for Ethanol
DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences has launched the SYNERXIA® Gemstone Collection of high-performance yeasts for the U.S. ethanol market. The new collection from the XCELIS® platform includes SYNERXIA® SAPPHIRE and SYNERXIA® RUBY designed for the unique needs of ethanol producers. This marks the first time that DuPont has co-launched two high-yield yeasts. SYNERXIA® SAPPHIRE brings the most powerful combination of yield, …
Latest Ethanol Export and Production Numbers
Ethanol production is recovering while ethanol exports are relaxing, according to the latest data available, as analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). According to Energy Information Administration data for the week ending Nov. 1, ethanol production was 1.014 million barrels per day (b/d) or 42.59 million gallons daily. The previous week was the first time in six weeks that …
Webinar Series on Ethanol Plant Cooling Systems
An upcoming series of webinars hosted by the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) will help educate ethanol plant management and staff on how to address cooling system capacity issues, which, according to statistics published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration and other agencies, result in lost revenue of $500 million. The series, titled “Essential Knowledge, Disciplines, and Practices for Managing …
BASF and Lallemand Partner for Ethanol Plant Products
BASF Enzymes LLC and Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (LBDS) have partnered to help add value to ethanol producers. As part of the collaboration, BASF will use its enzyme portfolio for applications in liquefaction and fermentation in order to maximize fermentation performance. LBDS will use its TransFerm yeast product line that provides increased ethanol yields and reduces the need for …
4th Plant to Install Whitefox ICE™ System
Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) in Benson, Minnesota will become the fourth U.S. ethanol plant to install a Whitefox ICE™ membrane dehydration system. Whitefox has already installed its membrane dehydration system at Fox River Valley Ethanol and at United Ethanol in WI, Pine Lake Corn Processor in IA, and Pacific Ethanol in CA. “With the installation of the Whitefox ICE™ …
DuPont Granted Patent for Ethanol Fermentation Product
DuPont Industrial Biosciences has been granted a U.S. Patent entitled “Prevention of Bacterial Growth in Fermentation Processes” which covers the application of stabilized chlorine dioxide, the active ingredient in DuPont™ FERMASURE®, to reduce microbial contaminations in ethanol fermentations. “FERMASURE® is an innovative technology, representing not just the best work of our scientists and researchers, but also the real-world value DuPont …
Update on Whitefox ICE™ Installation at Fox River
Fox River Valley Ethanol LLC completed the installation of its Whitefox ICE™ bolt-on solution at its ethanol plant in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in December and the plant is already seeing a positive impact. “Energy consumption has already reduced by around 1,100 BTU per gallon and operations have improved by removing column fluctuations, and that’s with only treating part of the regen …