Obama Wins. Did Renewable Energy Win?

Joanna Schroeder

President Barack Obama has been elected to a second term to lead the United States. While not clairvoyant,  I suspect the defining turn in support for Obama was the convergence of hurricane Sandy and Mayor Michael Bloomberg throwing his support behind Obama with the statement that he is the climate change President. If he is in fact the president for climate …

Alternative energy, biofuels, Climate Change, Ethanol, global warming, Growth Energy, Opinion, POET

Book Review – Clean Energy Nation

Joanna Schroeder

This week I read Clean Energy Nation by Congressman Jerry McNerny and Martin Cheek. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I found myself likening the book to the classic Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Subconsciously I think it was because one of the recurring themes in Brave New World, first published in 1932, is the Fordship’s desire, …

Alternative energy, book reviews, Clean Energy, Opinion

Citizen’s Guide to Energy

Joanna Schroeder

The presidential election is less than two weeks away and although the candidates have discussed energy, neither has debated over the right strategy for global climate change. Our legislators also typically fail to consider the consequences of actions they endorse. Therefore, according to Public Agenda, if the country hopes to move the needle on important issues, such as energy, voters …

Alternative energy, energy efficiency, global warming, Opinion, Renewable Energy

Running on Empty

Joanna Schroeder

For those of you who watched the second debate between Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, you’ll have heard something that hasn’t come out of the mouth of a presidential candidate in quite some time: ethanol. During discussion on energy policy, candidates typically use the term biofuels – a seemingly less taboo word as criticism surrounds “ethanol”. How much …

Alternative energy, biofuels, Opinion

Federal Court to Hear Arguments Against Cali LCFS

Joanna Schroeder

Last December, U.S. District Judge Lawrence O’Neill ruled California’s Low Carbon Fuels Standard (LCFS) unconstitutional. However, a stay was issued allowing implementation of the law until a federal appeals court hears arguments in the case. This is set to take place this week. The Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is lobbying for the end of the LCFS. Executive Vice President Michael …

advanced biofuels, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Legislation, Opinion

Book Review – Rebuild the Dream

Joanna Schroeder

This week I read Rebuild the Dream, by Van Jones, which ironically turned out to be a great book to read with the presidential election just three weeks away. Personally, I believe this country is in an economic mess and I wonder at the so called leaders in Washington who threw up their hands and left early without making several …

book reviews, Energy, global warming, Government, Opinion, Solar

States Battle Over ‘Food Before Fuel’

Joanna Schroeder

According to an analysis by the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), “food before fuel” is a fight between states. After reviewing eight waiver requests from governors submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a common argument was farmers in other states have to provide their states’ livestock industries corn. The waivers request a halt, or lowering, of the amount of …

Agribusiness, BIO, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, food and fuel, Opinion, RFS

Car Talker Responds to SEMA Ethanol Slam

Joanna Schroeder

Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), has slammed ethanol saying it opposes the use of E15 based on scientific evidence that it causes corrosion with incompatible parts. They are one of many organizations that have brought a lawsuit against the use of E15 that also included manufacturers of cars, boats and power equipment. The organization says ethanol increases water formation that …

automotive, biofuels, blends, Ethanol, Opinion

Researchers: LCFS Would Help America

Joanna Schroeder

During a bipartisan briefing on Capitol Hill, researchers from six institutions advocated that adopting a national Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) would be a positive step for America. Renewable fuels, they said, will be cleaner, cheaper and “Made in America”. This consensus by the group of researchers was met after conducting an extensive series of peer-reviewed LCFS studies. The research …

biofuels, Environment, Hydrogen, Opinion