In an op-ed published this week in The Hill, the chairman of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) urges EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to stick with President Trump’s vision for an America First energy policy and keep the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) strong. Pointing to EPA actions and rumors of actions in recent weeks to reduce volume obligations and lower demand …

With Trump Taking America’s Helm, How Will #Biofuels Fare?
In what many are calling an unexpected win for Donald Trump for the next presidency, the renewable energy industry is already asking what will this mean for them. As Democrats tend to be known for greater environmental action and with a Republican in office for the first time in eight years, a concern could bloom as to the the safety, …
Trump Leading Farm Country in Agri-Pulse Poll
A new nationwide poll commissioned by Agri-Pulse reveals that a majority of farmers and ranchers favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed said they support Republican Trump while 18 percent indicated they support Democrat Clinton. Only 2 percent plan to vote for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and just 1 percent for …
#Corn, Baseball & #RFS- AutoChannel’s Rauch Clues Us in to their Commonality
A recent article published online in Bloomberg Politics by Jennifer A Dlouhy, “As Corn Devours U.S. Prairies, Greens Reconsider Biofuel Mandate,” calls into question the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). She writes, “More than a decade after conservationists helped persuade Congress to require adding corn-based ethanol and other biofuels to gasoline, some groups regret the resulting agricultural runoff in waterways and …
NCGA: Small Engine Industry Must Change
Small engines and the use of ethanol has been in the news lately with spring approaching. This week, National Corn Growers Association CEO Chris Novak published the following editorial. The Small Engine Industry Needs to Change with the Times By National Corn Growers Association CEO Chris Novak The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), which represents the small engine industry, just …
The Truth Behind Marine Engines & Ethanol
In response to a recent misleading piece in BoatUS, which warned of marine engine damage due to ethanol, Keith Holmes, President and Owner of CK Motorsports, a certified Mercury Marine Engine & Racing service dealer, wrote a response that we thought worth sharing with our readers. The Truth Behind Marine Engines and Ethanol by Keith Holmes, President & Owner of …
Price of Oil Crushes Liquid Transportation Fuels
This is a special editorial authored by Joanna Ivancic, executive director for Advanced Biofuels USA. It is based on a two-part series looking at how low crude prices are affecting biofuels. Price of Oil Crushes Liquid Transportation Fuels–Renewable and Not — Now What? “Europe should promote the development of home-grown alternatives to imported oil and gas,” according to former NATO …
All Auto Owners Can Choose Premium E30
Back in September I brought you a story about Orrie Swayze, an active ethanol advocate, who wants all drivers to use E30 in their cars. At the time, there was a special order in front of the South Dakota Farmers Union and this has since passed in a resolution meeting and Swayze believes the resolution will unanimously pass at their …
New Poll Shows Iowans Support RFS
“We wanted a poll to tell us the truth about where caucus voters stand. This isn’t a Republican thing or a Democrat thing. This is an American thing. This represents the future,” said Eric Branstad the Iowa State Director of America’s Renewable Future (ARF) during a press call to release the results of a new poll. The results find that …
Opinion: VW Could Repair Image with Biodiesel
Biodiesel could be the solution to fix Volkswagen’s image left tarnished by revelations the company rigged the emissions testing for its diesel vehicles. This opinion piece in the Denver Post by Bill Germain, described as a sustainable business strategist and environmental advocate, makes it very clear he’s not happy with what VW did, especially since he owns one himself. And …