Clean Fuels Conference 202

Novozymes Increases Ethanol Plant Sustainability

Cindy Zimmerman

Novozymes sees a tremendous potential to increase performance at ethanol plants. Jack Rogers, biofuels global marketing manager for Novozymes highlighted several of these projects during the Fuel Ethanol Workshop. He said they have a number of products in the pipeline that target specific areas of the ethanol production process. One area of focus is in improving ethanol conversion yields. Rogers …

Audio, enzymes, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes

Nebraska Governor Visits Novozymes

Cindy Zimmerman

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts wrapped up his first agricultural trade mission this week with a visit to Novozymes world headquarters in Denmark, where a company tour showcased the production of unique enzymes and microbial products used in the animal nutrition, agriculture, and biofuels industries. While at Novozymes, Gov. Ricketts and the United States Ambassador to Denmark hosted a roundtable on …

Audio, biofuels, enzymes, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, International, Novozymes, RFS

Novozymes Tech Service Adds Profitability

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the themes that Novozymes wanted to drive home to ethanol producers at the Fuel Ethanol Workshop last week was that they deliver more than enzymes when they partner with plants. A big part of the Novozymes philosophy in helping ethanol plants is technical service. “We have a team of over 40 scientists deployed across the U.S. supporting the …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes

America’s Renewable Future Announces Partners

Cindy Zimmerman

America’s Renewable Future (ARF) today announced its diverse coalition of partners that includes state and national ethanol and biofuels associations and companies committed to educating presidential candidates in both parties about the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The partners include organizations such as the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA), Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA), Iowa Biodiesel Board, Iowa Ethanol Producers Association, …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, Novozymes, RFA, RFS

Novozymes Enzyme Solutions for Ethanol Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the last presentations at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop featured some of the enzymatic solutions Novozymes North America offers to optimize fermentation and increase yields. Novozymes data scientist Nick Giffen discussed Novozymes throughput solutions such as Avantec and Olexa. “Avantec is our featured liquifaction solution,” said Giffen. “It provides a more well-prepared mash for fermentation.” Olexa® is specifically …

Audio, enzymes, Ethanol, FEW, Novozymes, Processing, Production

The Novozymes Strategy

Cindy Zimmerman

This year, Novozymes announced a new corporate “Partnering for Impact” strategy and a new purpose statement which reads, “Together, we find biological answers for better lives in a growing world – Let’s rethink tomorrow.” “We try to make a difference in the world with the technologies that we provide,” said Anders Lund, Vice President of global marketing for Novozymes, who …

Audio, enzymes, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes

Novozymes Talks Fermentation at #FEW15

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the most well-attended breakout sessions at the Fuel Ethanol Workshop last week in Minneapolis explored “Best Practices for Yield Maximization.” Novozymes research associate Derek Payne focused on propagation and fermentation optimization and getting data from small scale fermentations to find out what works. “By doing the smaller scale first you can predict patterns you would see in larger …

Audio, enzymes, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes, Production

Novozymes Ethanol Game Educates at #FEW15

Cindy Zimmerman

“Gamification” is the concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game applications as engaging learning tools, particularly for the younger generation and Novozymes had a great example on display at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop. The Ethanol Challenge game features characters like Alphie the alpha amylase, Glucador the glucoamylase, and a number of enzyme buddies who help them out throughout the …

Audio, Education, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes, Production

Novozymes on #FEW15 Advanced Biofuels Track

Cindy Zimmerman

Novozymes was first up on the Cellulosic and Advanced Ethanol Track at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop with ways to help first generation biofuels producers take the next leap forward with enzyme technology. “We’ve been looking at how we can take all of our significant efforts in research and development in cellulases and find applications for them,” said Novozymes scientist …

advanced biofuels, Audio, Biodiesel, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes

Novozymes Focused on Solutions at #FEW15

Cindy Zimmerman

Novozymes has a number of products to help ethanol producers increase profitability but the focus is more on solutions than products. “We have a broad and flexible portfolio but for Novozymes it’s really about the individual customer,” said Peter Halling, Novozymes Senior Director Global Marketing for Biofuels. “Products are an integral part of what we do, the enzyme, but on …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes