Michigan Gov Calls for $100 M for Alt Fuels

John Davis

As predicted in the Detroit Free Press and reported here yesterday, Michigan Governor Jennifer M. Granholm has called for $100 million dollars in public and private money to be put into alternative energy investments. From the speech posted on her website: This new industry, so critical to our economy, our national security, and our environment is already setting up shop …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, Legislation, News

Missouri’s Half Billion Dollar Biofuels Industry

John Davis

Missouri’s State Department of Economic Development says Missouri will see $542 million each year for the next several years from the biofuels industry in the state. From a press release on Governor Matt Blunt’s web site: “The production of renewable fuels is one of Missouri agriculture’s greatest success stories,” Blunt said. “In the same way that Missouri’s family farmers rose …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, News

BP Funds Energy Biosciences Institute

Cindy Zimmerman

BP has chosen the University of California Berkeley, the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to join in a $500 million research program that will explore how bioscience can be used to increase energy production and reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment. According to a news release, the Energy Biosciences Institute will perform …

Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol, News, Research

Grand Opening Brings Wall Street to the Heartland

Cindy Zimmerman

US BioEnergy Corporation (NASDAQ: USBE) is celebrating the grand opening Wednesday of the company’s newest ethanol production facility by ringing the closing bell on the NASDAQ from the plant in Albert City, Iowa. The feat will be accomplished remotely via satellite from the 100 mgy plant which actually started operations in December. “Most companies go to New York in order …

Ethanol, News

Ag Outlook Forum Focuses on Energy

Cindy Zimmerman

The theme for USDA’s 83rd annual Agricultural Outlook Forum next month is “Agriculture at the Crossroads: Energy, Farm and Rural Policy.” “USDA’s 2007 Agricultural Outlook Forum explores renewable energy’s future in biofuels, cellulosic, methane, and wind,” said Johanns. “The Forum’s national conversation about agriculture centers on the fascinating opportunities and challenges of renewable energy in the next farm bill and …

Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol, Government, News

Michigan Gov to Call for Massive Alt Fuels Initiative

John Davis

The Detroit Free Press is reporting today that in tonight’s State of the State address Michigan Governor Jennifer M. Granholm will call for $100 million in state spending over the next three years on alternative energy in Michigan. Here’s some of the anticipated highlights: • Investing about $50 million over three years in public and private sector money to pay …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, News

Explorer, Environmentalist, Educator and Ethanol Evangelist

Cindy Zimmerman

The dogs may be pulling the sled when world-renowned arctic explorer Will Steger departs on his latest expedition February 14, but the trip will be powered by ethanol. When Steger was looking for sponsors to support his Global Warming 101 expedition, he decided that the ethanol industry would be a natural choice. “I’ve been talking up the benefits of ethanol …

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, global warming, News

Download Freedom Fuels for Free

Cindy Zimmerman

The documentary “Freedom Fuels” is now available for free download. “Freedom Fuels” takes an in-depth look at renewable fuel sources, such as bio-diesel, ethanol and vegetable oil. It explores the interaction of the petroleum industry and alternative fuels over the last 150 years, and examines the global impact that bio-fuels can have on our future. Visit www.mofilms.org to download the …

Biodiesel, EPIC, Ethanol, News

Global Warming at 28 Below

Cindy Zimmerman

A quick Google news search for “global warming” today turns up nearly 2,000 articles in the first heading, thanks to a new study that says global warming is “underway right now, humans caused it, and it will continue for centuries, no matter what we do.” The study was released in Paris by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. At a …

Ethanol, global warming, Government, International, News

Yet Another Record

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest monthly figures from the Energy Information Administration show that U.S. ethanol production and demand reached record levels in November 2006. Production of ethanol in November averaged 343,000 barrels per day (b/d) while demand averaged 414,000 b/d. The Renewable Fuels Association released the new statistics, as they do every time the EIA report is issued.

Ethanol, News