The biofuels industry has been waiting for the 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit for a long time now, and the wait is likely to get even longer with a new administration taking over. Will the Biden Administration try to rush rules out before the inauguration? Will Congress extend the tax credits 45Z was supposed to replace before the end of …

RFA Watching Trump Administration Choices
President-elect Donald Trump continues to announce choices for administration positions at record speed and the Renewable Fuels Association is generally pleased so far. “We’re excited about the opportunity to sit down with the new leadership in the incoming Trump administration, to make our case and remind them of why ethanol should be part of their energy strategy and and energy …
NAFB Panel Explores Renewable Fuels Future
Leaders from the renewable fuels industry took questions at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention in Kansas City on Wednesday about what the future looks like for them now with a new administration and a new Congress. Moderator Mark Dorenkamp of Brownfield led the panel with Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper, National Corn Growers Association CEO …
Ag Secretary Expects “Certainty” From EPA for Biofuels
On the day last week that the Environmental Protection Agency proposed extending the deadlines for refiners to comply with Renewable Fuel Standard volume obligations, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack told farm broadcasters that the biofuels industry can expect “certainty” from the Biden EPA. Answering a question about what role renewable fuels can play in climate change, considering EPA has yet …
ACE Pleased to Participate in Virtual NAFB
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) was pleased to be a sponsor and exhibitor for the second year in a row at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) virtual convention and trade talk. ACE CEO Brian Jennings discussed a number of topics with farm broadcasters, including possible scenarios for when the industry might finally see the Renewable Volume Obligations …
RFA CEO Trade Talks with Farm Broadcasters
The National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) annual Trade Talk looked different last week than it has in the past, being virtual instead of live, but Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper still was able to do many interviews with farm broadcasters around the country. Cooper discussed topics such as how the ethanol industry fared in 2020 and …
RFA Shares Good News for Ethanol in 2020
There was more than enough bad news for the ethanol industry to go around this year, but there was still some good news as well. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is offering that perspective to farm broadcasters this week at the virtual 2020 NAFB Convention Trade Talk. RFA Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White tells the good news about …
NAFB Session Focuses on Ag and Energy
The National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) is holding its annual convention this week, and like everything else it is virtual. One of the newsmaker sessions on opening day of the convention focused on ethanol and biodiesel and “Agriculture’s Contributions to the Energy Market.” Carey Martin with Texas Farm Bureau Radio Network moderated the discussion with Tom Verry, Director of …
Rough Times for Biodiesel Industry
It’s been a tough year for the biodiesel industry with ten biodiesel plants that have closed or cut back production, impacting jobs across the country, and ultimately the agricultural producers. “It’s just one more hit to soybean farmers too, right now,” said National Biodiesel Board (NBB) Director of Communications Kaleb Little during an interview at the National Association of Farm …
ACE Shares Ethanol News With Farm Broadcasters
American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) CEO Brian Jennings did a lot of interviews with farm broadcasters around the country last week about the importance of ethanol supporters making comments on the EPA’s proposed supplemental rule to the RFS. “It’s critically important to farmers, to ethanol producers, to shareholders in ethanol plants, that for 2020, 15 billion gallons in the statute …