Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ”Do you support biofuel production and the use of corn to do this?” Our poll results: The majority of you at sixty percent say Yes, thirty-three percent said No, four percent were Indifferent and four percent chose Other. Growing crops to use as biomass for producing fuel seems to be the best alternative to …

Latest HSUS Poll Hacked
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Should we sit down with HSUS in ‘common cause’?” The results of this poll are skewed due to the hacking by HSUS. In the end, the poll read that eighty one percent voted Definitely, fifteen percent said Never, and four percent thought we Should in some cases. The attempt to affect our poll results …
A Look at 2012 on DomesticFuel
2012 was a challenging year for the renewable fuels industry. The biodiesel tax credit expired, the Renewable Fuels Standard was attacked, E15 continues to be attacked and there is yet to be a Farm Bill passed. With the fiscal cliff looming, many tax credits and incentives for wind, solar and advanced renewable fuels are set to expire. This uncertainty caused …
Top Stories for 2012
This is the time of year where people reflect on the year past and look to the next year. 2012 was a roller coaster year for the alternative energy industry but amidst some struggles, the industry saw many successes. Here is a brief look at some of the top stories for 2012 covered on DomesticFuel. Top Stories for 2012: National Defense …
Give the Gift of Time This Holiday
Beginning to panic because you haven’t even begun your holiday shopping? Here is a just in time unique idea – give the gift of time with a corn and bamboo watch. I own one and I recommend it. Sprout Watches manufactures a line of eco-friendly watches that contain corn resin and bamboo. The watches come in multiple colors, but I …
Anellotech to Boost Plastic Production from Biomass
Renewable fuels and green petrochemical maker Anellotech Inc. has inked a deal with the University of Massachusetts-Amherst that will triple the amount of plastics feedstock made from biomass. The agreement adds a new technology capability to Anellotech’s process that triples the amount of p-xylene used to make plastic bottles, clothing, carpeting, automotive and other products usually made from nonrenewable petroleum …
This Season Let’s Do a Bit of Green Gift Giving
This past weekend marked the holiday shopping season with “Black Friday”. Hopefully you survived the lines and the crowd and are reading my blog post about my “E2 Gift Giving Guide” (E2 = energy and environment). Modeled after the “12 Days of Christmas” (yes, I’m even drafting a song in my head as I write), I’m looking for ideas from …
UN Calls for Easing of U.S. Ethanol Mandates
The concern over the American drought and the impact that ethanol production is having on corn prices has gone global. Jose Graziano da Silva, the director-general of the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization, said that the easing of U.S. ethanol mandates could stave off another world food crisis. In response, the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) wrote, “While the current drought in …
RFA To Host Flex-Fuel ASTM Specification Webinar
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) will be hosting a webinar focused on ASTM D5798 fuel specification. Kristy Moore, RFA’s VP of Technical Services along with Coleman Jones, Biofuels Implementation Manager of General Motors will lead the event on May 22 at 1:00 pm Central Standard Time. The webinar is in response to recent changes made by the ASTM D02 committee …
Current Biodiesel Market Will Hurt Oil Companies
According to Wayne Lee, CEO of Lee Enterprises Alternative Fuels Consulting, the current biodiesel market will hurt oil companies. The company, under its RIN 9000 program, is now providing free information about biodiesel companies to the oil industry. This initiative was launched to provide RIN obligated parties to help address what Lee says is “RIN purchase hesitation,” an emerging trend …