Clean Fuels Conference 202

FarmLead Adds Price Discovery to Online Grain Marketplace

Online grain marketplace FarmLead has announced the launch of its newest feature, Price Discovery, which provides a comprehensive view of historical and future grain price trends specific to the user’s geography, helping farmers make better decisions when selling their grain. “This isn’t just a simple price transparency tool. It is a price education tool,” says FarmLead CEO and President Brennan …

AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Farming

ACE Founder Honored for Service by NFU

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Farmers Union honored American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) founder Merle Anderson with the Meritorious Service Award in a special presentation last week in Grand Forks, ND. Anderson was given the award for “the many years he spent advocating for family farmers and the advancement of the American ethanol industry to support local agricultural communities.” The award was announced …

ACE, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farming, NFU

Losing Topsoil? Plant Switchgrass.

Joanna Schroeder

Switchgrass, an energy feedstock that can be used for biofuel production, now has another benefit: it can improve soil quality and can be grown on farms that have lost fertile topsoil. According to new research from the University of Missouri (MU) College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources has found that switchgrass may be a promising option for growers who …

advanced biofuels, Farming, feedstocks, Research

Trump Leading Farm Country in Agri-Pulse Poll

Joanna Schroeder

A new nationwide poll commissioned by Agri-Pulse reveals that a majority of farmers and ranchers favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed said they support Republican Trump while 18 percent indicated they support Democrat Clinton. Only 2 percent plan to vote for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and just 1 percent for …

Agribusiness, Farming, Opinion, politics

Citizen Testimony at EPA RFS Hearing

Cindy Zimmerman

Of the more than 240 stakeholders who testified at the EPA hearing last week on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), at least 35 were citizens who spoke about why they felt it was important for our nation to continuing increasing the use of biofuels. One of those was Austin Ludowese (pictured far left) of Stewart, Minnesota, who was raised on …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farming, RFA, RFS

Farmers Live #EarthDay Every Day

Cindy Zimmerman

This year marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day but farmers have been living the spirit of stewardship for natural resources for generations and have been leaders in the generation of renewable energy sources like biofuels, wind and solar. “For hundreds of years, America’s farmers have been working our land and providing the country and the world with high quality …

biofuels, Environment, Farming, Growth Energy

Celebrate National Biodiesel Day

Cindy Zimmerman

National Biodiesel Day is March 18, and the Iowa Biodiesel Board is suggesting that farmers ask for and use biodiesel as they head into spring planting. “We’re challenging every farmer in Iowa to request that their fuel distributor offer biodiesel blends this spring,” said Grant Kimberley, IBB executive director and a soybean farmer who uses biodiesel on his farm. “A …

Biodiesel, Farming

Anti-RFS Bill Re-Introduced

Cindy Zimmerman

Representatives Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Steve Womack (R-AR) and Peter Welch (D-VT), today re-introduced legislation called the RFS Reform Act “to reform the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) to help ease concerns created by the ethanol mandate and protect consumers, livestock producers, food manufacturers, retailers, and the U.S. economy.” Livestock and poultry producer organizations are among those supporting the …

corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farming, Government, Growth Energy, NCGA, NFU, RFA, RFS

PacificAg Can Help Ethanol Plants Go Cellulosic

Cindy Zimmerman

The largest and most experienced biomass harvest company in the country wants to help ethanol plants develop or expand operations into the production of cellulosic ethanol by saving time and money on supply chain development. PacificAg, which is already supplying biomass for plants in Iowa and Kansas, enables cellulosic biorefineries the ability to source cost-competitive biomass for biofuel and biochemical …

Audio, Cellulosic, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farming, feedstocks, sorghum

Thanksgiving Blessings to All

Cindy Zimmerman

O God, source and giver of all things, You manifest your infinite majesty, power and goodness In the earth about us: We give you honor and glory. For the sun and the rain, For the manifold fruits of our fields: For the increase of our herds and flocks, We thank you. For the enrichment of our souls with divine grace, …

Farming, ZimmComm