More charges are coming against an Indiana company that defrauded investors and the government over Renewable Identification Numbers. reports the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is bringing charges against Evansville-based Imperial Petroleum and its wholly owned subsidiary, Middletown, Ind.-based e-Biofuels for falsely generating more than 33.5 million invalid RINs. The EPA alleges that e-Biofuels generated more than 33.5 million …
EPA Biodiesel Proposal to Impact RINs
The proposal by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to cut the amount of biodiesel to be blended into the Nation’s fuel supply could have some pretty big impact on the Renewable Identification Number (RIN) situation in the coming year. In this piece in Biodiesel Magazine, the author looks at an analysis from the University of Illinois that shows how biomass-based …
Calling All Ethanol Advocates!
With the new year well underway, there are only 23 days for ethanol and biofuel advocates to submit comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the 2014 proposed Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Today Brian Jennings, Executive Vice President for the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), is urging ethanol supporters to voice their concerns. “We have just 23 days to …
IA Senate Candiate Mark Jacobs Fights for RFS
Iowa U.S. Senate candidate Mark Jacobs has submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the proposed changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The EPA has proposed to reduce the amount of renewable fuels used in the U.S. transportation fuel supply for 2014. Jacobs wrote: Dear President Obama and EPA Administrator McCarthy: I am deeply concerned that the …
EPA Invalidates 33.5 Million RINs from Indiana Co.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has invalidated 33.5 million Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) worth about $13.4 million sold by Indiana-based E-Biofuels LLC. This story from the Indiana Business Journal says while Big Oil has jumped on the announcement as an indictment of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), biodiesel advocates are quick to point out this is just an isolated incident …
54 Reps Call for Reversal on Biodiesel RFS Proposal
Fifty-four members of Congress from both sides of the political aisle are calling on the Obama Administration to reverse course on its proposal to cut the amount of biodiesel to be required to be blended into the Nation’s fuel supply. This news release from the National Biodiesel Board says the call comes as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed …
DF Cast: EPA Proposal More Than Just Numbers
We’ve heard a lot of the national numbers in the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to cut the amount of ethanol and biodiesel going into the country’s fuel supply… cellulosic biofuels at 17 million gallons, biomass-based diesel at 1.28 billion gallons, advanced biofuels at 2.20 billion gallons and renewable fuels at 15.21 billion. But outside of all these national numbers is …
Gen Wesley Clark Testifies on RFS
General Wesley K. Clark (Ret.), co-chair of Growth Energy’s Board of Directors testified on the numerous benefits of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today. One of his messages is that a reduction in the renewable fuel volume requirements of the RFS will move the biofuel industry backwards. “My message to the Committee …
ACE to Host RFS Comment Webinar
The American Coalition for Ethanol has announced the grassroots ethanol organization will be hosting a webinar at 11:00 am CST on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 on how to make comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the proposed RFS rule for 2014. “The individual and personal stories of grassroots ethanol supporters from all walks of life are critically important …
U.S. Breaks Commitment to Biofuels Industry
Staurt Lamb, president and CEO of Stuart, Florida-based Viesel Fuel LLC, embarked on the journey to revolutionize the way biodiesel is made about one-and-a-half years ago. The company is focused on “junk oils and greases” as its feedstock. Using a process of enzymes and resins, Lamb believes they can produce biodiesel cheaper than anyone in the country and also believes …