Clean Fuels Conference 202

Calling All Green-Minded College Students

Joanna Schroeder

Calling all green-minded college students. It’s time to take action for the environment in the new contest, “Greenest Student College Challenge.” College students are being asked to submit the most inventive and ingenious “green” ideas emerging from their college campus, and one lucky college student will become the owner of a new iPad provided by Duke’s Restaurants. The contest is …

Environment, Miscellaneous

Canada Mandates Biofuels

By the end of the year, Canadians will be using more ethanol in their fuel. According to The Epoch Times, regulations were finaized by the government yesterday requiring that all gasoline must contain 5% biofuels starting December 15. “Regulating renewable fuel content in gasoline is just one of several steps the Government is taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in …

biofuels, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, News

California Apollo Program Formed to Create Green Jobs

Joanna Schroeder

Last week, Creighton University economist Ernie Goss was quoted on NPR saying the country is preparing itself for another wave of lay offs. It will start at the coasts and move its way to the Midwest. Not good news for the millions of people who are currently unemployed. Unfortunately, a good number of people have become unemployed in the alternative …

Energy, Environment

Book Review – The Great Global Warming Blunder

Joanna Schroeder

“I am under no illusion that this book will settle the scientific debate over the roles of mankind versus nature in global warming and climate change. Quite the opposite. I am hoping that the scientific debate will finally begin.” These are the final words of author and climatologist, Dr. Roy Spencer in his new book, The Great Global Blunder. While …

book reviews, Environment

Book Review – Power Grab

Joanna Schroeder

It’s been a year and a half since President Obama took office and there are definitely mixed emotions on how effective he has or hasn’t been. One area where many people have been critical is with regards to his green policies. One such critic is Christopher Horner, who has written a book with the central theme that Obama’s green polices …

book reviews, Environment, politics

Controversial Clean Energy Killer Added to Cali Ballot

Joanna Schroeder

There is a highly controversial provision being added to California’s ballots this November called Prop 23. The proposition, which is backed by several oil companies, is asking for the state to suspend California’s 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act that calls for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) to 1990 levels by 2020. Supporters of Prop 23 want the suspension …

biofuels, Electricity, Energy, Environment, politics

Novozymes Joins Sustainability Consortium

Joanna Schroeder

A new global organization called The Sustainability Consortium, has been formed to improve the sustainability of consumer products and Novozymes has become a member. The group membership consists of both government and non-government organizations, businesses, environmental organizations, and academics who will work together to impact future products and supply networks designed to address environmental, social and economic imperatives. Novozymes joins …

Company Announcement, Environment

CARB Proposes LCFS Soil Sustainability Provisions

Joanna Schroeder

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is far from over on discrediting biofuels as part of their mandated policy known as the Low Carbon Fuels Standard (LCFS). For the past year, the ethanol industry has been embroiled in a fight for proper reflections of biofuel’s indirect greenhouse gas emissions, aka indirect land use. Now, CARB has created a working group …

biofuels, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Legislation, Opinion

More Transparency Needed Among Environmental Groups

Joanna Schroeder

I’m calling the environmental movement out for supporting nothing and opposing everything. Not too long ago, I was proud to call myself an environmentalist. Today, I’m bordering on embarrassed to admit that I support sustainability programs. The cause of my distress is what is happening under the carpet among environmental groups. On the surface, they look squeaky clean, but when …

biofuels, Energy, Environment, Oil, Opinion