Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol’s Enviro Benefits Keep on Growing

Joanna Schroeder

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has developed a comparison of the environmental impacts of ethanol and petroleum as transportation fuels. Using scientific data, the side-by-side comparison examines a wide array of environmental factors. Most know today that petroleum, made from oil, is not “renewable”. Created over millions of years, it will takes thousands of years for more oil to …

biofuels, corn, Environment, Ethanol, NCGA

New Wind Energy Solutions Sharie Derrickson Honored

Joanna Schroeder

Sharie Derrickson, Vice President of New Wind Energy Solutions in Nashville, TN, along with 13 other female military veterans, were recently honored by White House as part of President Obama’s “Winning the Future,” initiative. Fourteen female military veterans were selected that have provided exemplary leadership at the local, state or regional level. “You are the leaders in our businesses and …

Alternative energy, Electricity, Energy, Environment, Wind

UCSB Hosting Summit on Energy Efficiency

Joanna Schroeder

UC Santa Barbara’s Institute for Energy Efficiency is hosting the 2013 Summit on Energy Efficiency on May 1-2, 2013. The forum will focus on the latest innovations in materials science and technology for energy generation, energy storage, lighting, and electronics. The event is designed to provide dialogue about how advancements in materials science and technology can meet future energy needs …

Education, energy efficiency, Environment

Suggestions to Obama to Address Climate Change

Joanna Schroeder

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), a group of leading scientists and engineers who make policy recommendations to the White House, has released a detailed report outlining how the Obama Administration could address climate change in the near term. Climate change was a major topic during President Obama’s recent trip to Argonne National Laboratory as well …

Climate Change, Environment

Strong Policies Will Boost Clean Jobs

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new report from Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), there were more than 300 clean energy and clean transportation projects in 2012 that created 110,000 jobs. E2 notes that the report comes at a time that groups and lobbyists backed by the fossil fuel industry are currently trying to derail clean energy policies including the Renewable Fuel Standard and state …

Clean Energy, Environment

Marjority of Americans Support Reduction of CO2

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new nationwide survey, 65 percent of American think that climate change is a serious problem and a substantial majority support President Obama using his authority to reduce its main cause, carbon dioxide.  The national poll, conducted on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), surveyed 1,218 registered voters and was conducted immediately following the president’s State …

Carbon, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environment

Chasing Methane Advocates at Iowa Capitol

Joanna Schroeder

There is no age requirement to be an advocate for the environment. During the recent Iowa Wind Energy Day, five young advocates from Chasing Methane, ranging in age from 11 to 13, came to the Iowa Capitol to encourage people to support food waste composting. Why? As Joey Titus, a 7th grader at Southeast Junior High in Iowa City, Iowa …

Audio, biomethane, Climate Change, Environment, global warming

Study Looks at Environmental Benefits of Ethanol

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new study performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, corn grown using no-till methods may sequester larger amounts of carbon than previously believed. The study was published in BioEnergy Research and showed that corn grown over a 10-year period using no-till practices sequesters carbon in the soil to depths as far as 59 inches under the surface. …

biofuels, Environment, Ethanol, NCGA, Research

Ceres Awarded Zayed Future Energy Prize

Joanna Schroeder

Ceres has been awarded the top prize in the non-governmental organization (NGO) category of the Zayed Future Energy Prize that honors innovative companies who have had a positive impact and shown strong leadership in the renewable energy and sustainability sectors. The award is part of the World Future Energy Summit, and this year’s awards attracted 579 submissions from companies in …

Alternative energy, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environment, Renewable Energy

Third National Climate Assessment Released

Joanna Schroeder

A draft of the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA) has been released by the Climate Assessment Development Advisory Committee (NCADAC).  The committee says this is the most peer-reviewed analysis of climate change impacts on the United States. The assessment was written by 240 scientists and other experts from academia; local, state, and federal government; business; and the non‐profit sector. The …

Carbon, Environment, global warming