Clean Fuels Conference 202

Book Review: How Are You Mother Earth?

Joanna Schroeder

Calling people of all ages. I’ve finally found a truly entertaining and educational book about climate change and the environment. “How are you Mother Earth?” written by Gordon Hunter, a scientist, takes the reader on the journey with Katie, her boyfriend Mike and her father when they take Mother Earth to the doctor for a check-up. Well, it turns out …

Audio, book reviews, Environment

Senator Max Baucus Unveils Tax Reform Proposal

Joanna Schroeder

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) have launched a process for the committee to begin developing a proposal to reform America’s tax code. Over the next several months, the committee will convene weekly to discuss a series of topics and collect feedback from members on a wide range of options for taking on …

Clean Energy, energy efficiency, Environment, Legislation, Renewable Energy

Abengoa Announces Sustainable Business Prize

Joanna Schroeder

International renewable energy company Abengoa has launched the second edition of the Focus-Abengoa Sustainable Business Prize that seeks to recognize suppliers that have demonstrated their commitment and made a contribution to sustainable development. The company presents this award to highlight outstanding actions by its suppliers. It is open to all companies that have been suppliers to Abengoa, or any of …

advanced biofuels, Alternative energy, Environment, Renewable Energy

AP Story Causing Stir Before Release

Cindy Zimmerman

The ethanol industry has gone on the offensive to defend itself against an Associated Press “investigative report” that has yet to be released for publication. Fuels America held a conference call today about the article which is embargoed until after midnight but was circulated last week on the internet. The call included Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Vice President of Research …

Audio, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA

Denmark Awarded for Climate Achievements

Joanna Schroeder

Denmark has received the “Gift to the Earth” from WWF, for their climate achievements and its commitment to achieve 100 percent renewable energy across the economy by 2050. Jim Leape, WWF International Director General, will present the report to the Prime Minister of Denmark, Ms. Helle Thorning-Schmidt on October 21, 2013. “Denmark shows that it is possible to develop a …

Clean Energy, Climate Change, Environment, Renewable Energy

Proponents Wonder Why Can’t Biodiesel Fulfill RFS

John Davis

A hat tip to my friend Jessica Robinson over at the National Biodiesel Board for pointing out this great article from Biofuels Digest. As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed lower targets for the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard, proponents of biodiesel are wondering why their green fuel is targeted a 20 percent reduction. Let’s review the background on …

Biodiesel, Environment, Government

Study Refutes Land Use Change Myth

Joanna Schroeder

A recent report released from researchers in the Netherlands shows that current models assessing the impact of crops grown for biofuel production on land use (indirect land use change /ILUC) do not accurately reflect current production and land use realities. Given the impact of these models on bioenergy policy, the paper, “Biomass Research,” makes a strong case for updating the …

Agribusiness, biofuels, corn, Environment, Indirect Land Use, NCGA

Environmental Impacts of Biofuel Feedstocks Studied

John Davis

A two-year study has examined the environmental impacts of feedstocks used for biofuels. Minnesota Daily reports researchers from the University of Minnesota found that there are some fundamental differences between how the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy and the Department of Agriculture, look at biofuel production. All three agencies differed in crop location, which Hill said is an …

biofuels, Environment, Research

Ethanol to Save World 100 Mil Tons of GHGs in 2013

John Davis

The expected 20 billion gallons (85 billion liters) of ethanol production this year will keep 100 million tonnes of green house gas (GHG) emissions out of the environment. That’s the forecast from the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA). “This years forecast shows that even in the face of a difficult global economy, demand for biofuels is growing. This is excellent …

Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, International

Study: Algae-based Biofuels Cut CO2 by 50-70%

John Davis

A new study shows that biofuels made from algae can reduce life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 50 to 70 percent compared to petroleum fuels. And according to the Algae Biomass Organization, citing the study in the journal Bioresource Technology, algae biofuels are approaching the Energy Return on Investment (EROI) values that conventional petroleum has. “This study affirms that …

algae, biofuels, Carbon, Environment