U.S. Ethanol Production Growing

Cindy Zimmerman

Fuel ethanol production capacity in the United States is 15.5 billion gallons this year or 1.01 million barrels per day (b/d), according to the latest EIA U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity report. Total capacity of ethanol plants in operation increased by more than 600 million gallons per year or about four percent from 2016, with most of the increased …

Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Mexico’s Adoption of E10 Applauded

chuck zimmerman

It looks like Mexico is jumping deeper into ethanol as a renewable fuel. Pretty big announcement out today. The Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) announced recently a change that will increase the maximum amount of ethanol that can be blended in Mexican gas supplies from 5.8 percent to 10 percent, except in the cities of Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City. …

AgWired Energy, biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, International

Ethanol Industry Supports Wyden Clear Energy Act

Cindy Zimmerman

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR) last week announced legislation to “reduce carbon pollution over the next decade through a series of incentives for clean energy and the promotion of new technologies in the private sector.” Wyden’s Clean Energy for America Act includes technology-neutral tax credits for domestic production of clean electricity and clean transportation fuel, as well …

Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, RFA

#RFANEC Biofuels Policy Panel

Cindy Zimmerman

The future of U.S. biofuels policy was the topic of a panel at the 2016 National Ethanol Conference this week in New Orleans. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen moderated the panel, which included industry and government stakeholders, but no representative from the Environmental Protection Agency, even though they were invited to participate. “They had expressed some …

advanced biofuels, Audio, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Energy in the Budget Proposal

Cindy Zimmerman

As promised, energy was a focus of President Obama’s 2017 budget proposal, officially unveiled on Tuesday, with a promise to “move our economy away from energy sources that fuel climate change.” The budget provides for $7.7 billion in discretionary funding for clean energy research and development across 12 agencies, including $106 million for USDA to “support development of biobased energy …

biofuels, Energy, Government, USDA

Budget Expected to Double Clean Energy Funding

Cindy Zimmerman

The president’s budget to be released today would double funding for clean energy research and development by 2020, according to President Obama’s weekly address made on Saturday. “This will include new investments to help the private sector create more jobs faster, lower the cost of clean energy faster, and help clean, renewable power outcompete dirty fuels in every state,” said …

Energy, Government

McConnell Urges Senate to Move Energy Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor on Monday to urge his colleagues to move the bipartisan Energy Policy Modernization Act forward after Democrats blocked the bill and the amendment process last week over an impasse on including aid to address the Flint, Michigan water crisis. “The Energy Policy Modernization Act is the product of a year’s …

Energy, Government

Tax Extenders Package Includes Renewables

Cindy Zimmerman

The broad spending and tax legislation compromise unveiled by House Republicans Tuesday night includes federal tax incentive extensions for renewable energy, including biodiesel, wind and solar. The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) commended congressional leaders for reinstating the expired biodiesel tax incentive in the tax and spending proposal released late Tuesday but continued pressing to reform the incentive as a domestic …

BIO, Biodiesel, Energy, Government, NBB, Solar, Wind

USDA Awards $71M for REAP Projects

Joanna Schroeder

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding more funds to help rural businesses reduce energy costs in every U.S. state including the Virgin Islands, the Western Pacific and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The USDA is providing $102 million in loan guarantees and $71 million in grants for 1,114 projects financed through the Rural Energy for American Program (REAP), …

biogas, Electricity, Energy, Solar