Manito Transit is now transporting goods throughout the Midwest with a greener footprint. The GROWMARK subsidiary transports fuels, fertilizers, crop protection products and more via tank trucks, and has just become a member of the EPA’s SmartWay Transport Partnership program. The SMARTWAY registrants work with the EPA and adopt tools and approaches to track and reduce emissions and fuel use. …

61st Anniversary of 1st American Solar House
This week marks the 61st anniversary of the first house in America with solar heating and radiation cooling. Located in Tuscon, Arizona, the house featured a large, slanting slab of steel and glass that coverts sunlight into heat that was ducted into the house. Today, many homes use solar panels to capture the natural heat of the sun and solar …
Missouri Can Meet Clean Power Plan with Policies, Efficiency
Missouri can meet targets under the Clean Power Plan (CPP) through clean energy policies and better power plant efficiency according to an analysis from World Resources Institute. Under the CPP, the state has a mass-based emissions reduction target of 29 percent below 2012 levels by 2030. The analysis shows that if Missouri achieves its current energy efficiency and renewable energy …
Effect OSG Unveils “Hybrid” House
The Effect Operational Sales and Systems Group (Effect OSG) has unveiled a “hybrid” house on a private home in Laurentians in Quebec. The home is powered by an Enerdynamic Hybrid Technologies (EHT) wind and solar hybrid system. The systems, coined EnerCubes, consists of eight vertical axis wind turbines featuring an innovative vane design and solar panels fully integrated into an …
Massachusetts Most Energy Efficient US State
Massachuesetts has edged out California as the most energy efficient state in the U.S. according to the ninth annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. Several states continue to improve their scores including California, Maryland, Illinois, Texas and Washington D.C. The report is published by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) with support from the U.S. Department of Energy …
NRDC Report: U.S. Energy Economy Healthy
America’s energy economy has never been better according to a new report, “A Tectonic Shift in America’s Energy Landscape,” from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). One key finding is that innovative energy saving techniques have enabled the country to more than double its economic productivity from oil, natural gas and electricity over the past 40 years. This means, finds …
New York Most Energy Efficient State
October is National Energy Awareness Month and a great time for families and businesses to find ways to reduce their energy use. On average, a household spend nearly $2,000 a year on energy bills. To bring awareness of the impact of energy on American’s wallets, WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis of the 2015’s Most and Least Energy Efficient States with …
GWU Education Partnership Launched
The School of Engineering and Applied Science at the George Washington University (GWU) is partnering with the European Energy Centre to offer renewable energy and energy efficiency educational opportunities. The Centre works closely with the United Nations Environment Programme. This October short course educational seminars will be launched for current professionals who want to up-skill their expertise in the renewable …
DOE Releases Energy Productivity Roadmap
U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz recently released a new roadmap to increase energy productivity. “Accelerate Energy Productivity 2030: A Strategic Roadmap for American Energy Innovation, Economic Growth, and Competitiveness,” reviews proven and effective strategies and actions to advance energy efficiency. Strategies include: states securing energy productivity through setting and updating vehicle and product codes and standards, and providing energy performance …
U.S. Energy Efficiency Increasing
Energy efficiency is improving in America. A new report find the country’s energy intensity, the measurement of energy used per dollar of gross domestic product, is down from 12.1 thousand Btus per dollar in 1980 to 6.1 thousand Btus per dollar in 2014. The report, Energy Efficiency in the United States: 35 Years and Counting, was released by the American …