Clean Fuels Conference 202

Blue Earth Secures Solar PV Project in Hawaii

Joanna Schroeder

Blue Earth has acquired the rights to build a $2 million, ground mounted, 497 kilowatt solar PV project in Hawaii. The company has created a Special Purpose Entity, Waianae PV-2, for the project. The subsidiary will engineer, construct, own, operate and maintain the solar PV plant. Blue Earth has a power purchase agreement with Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO). Hawaii has …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Government May Be Key to Solar Success

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new report by GBI Research, “Solar Thermal Power Market to 2020,” it will take worldwide government support to have a major impact on the renewable energy industry. Government attitudes to solar thermal power, or concentrated solar power (CSP), will be a key determinant to the future success of the market, which today, has a high cost of …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Raise Carbon Price

Joanna Schroeder

The European wind power industry is backing a proposal submitted by the European Commission to increase the price of carbon. This would be accomplished by delaying the auctioning of carbon allowances through the Emission Trading System (ETS). This action must be approved by Member States and the European Parliament. “The European Commission has finally taken the first step towards boosting …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Ball State Begins Final Phase of Geothermal System

Joanna Schroeder

Ball State is the home of the country’s largest geothermal system. This week the university began the second and final phase of converting to a geothermal ground-source heat pump system. The project began in 2009 and the first phase was completed earlier this year and now provides heating and cooling to nearly half the campus. Upon completion, the conversion should …

Electricity, Energy, Geothermal

Wind O&M Market Forecast to Double

Joanna Schroeder

The wind operations and maintenance services (O&M) market is forecast to nearly double by 2025 from approximately $3 billion in 2012 to nearly $6 billion in 2025. Also according to a recent report from IHS Emerging Energy Research on U.S. Wind O&M Strategies, O&M is expected to account for over one-third of total capital expenditures over the next decade. In …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Using Bacteria for Good

Joanna Schroeder

Researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) are using the power of microbes from agricultural waste to create ethanol and hydrogen for fuel cells. The technology was developed by MSU microbiologist Gemma Reguera, who created bioelectrochemical systems known as microbial electrolysis cells or MECs. The process uses bacteria to break down and ferment ag waste into ethanol. The process produces 20 …

biofuels, Electricity, Ethanol, Hydrogen

Offshore Wind Energy in Europe Doubles

Joanna Schroeder

Yesterday I wrote about the progress of an offshore wind project in the UK, the Blyth Offshore Wind Demonstration project. Today The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has said that 2012 could be the best year ever for offshore wind energy in Europe. Just this year 532.2 megawatts (MW) or 132 offshore wind turbines have been connected to the grid …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

Offshore Wind Project Sails Ahead

Joanna Schroeder

The Blyth Offshore Wind Demonstration Site off the UK coast is sailing ahead. SeaRoc, a marine engineering company, has been contracted to install the foundation, equipment platform and meteorological mast for the wind energy project. SeaRoc is taking over for the previous contractor and construction is scheduled to begin within the next two months. Andrew Mill, CEO of Narec, the …

Electricity, Energy, Wind

FREE Webinar: Solar in the Military

Joanna Schroeder

The U.S. military has taken a strong lead in the use and development of alternative energy including solar energy. On Thursday, July 19th at 12:00 pm EDT, Principle Solar Institute is hosting a free webinar: Solar in the Military. The focus is on the Department of Defenses’s (DOD) strategic vision for solar energy and its goal for implementation. Pew Charitable …

Electricity, Energy, Solar

Gas-to-Energy Plant in Lenox, Michigan Up & Running

Joanna Schroeder

Construction is complete at the gas-to-energy plant at the Pine Trees Acres Renewable Energy Facility in Lenox, Michigan. Once operational, the facility will generate 12.8 megawatts of electricity, enough to power nearly 12,000 average sized homes. The Pine Tree Acres Renewable Energy Facility, that sits on 14.5 acres of land, generates up to 4,800 cubic feet per minute of landfill …

Electricity, Energy