High schoolers in Minnesota continue to get schooled in ethanol. Nearly two dozen students from Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg (KMS) High School visited the Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) to learn more about ethanol and its co-products. The group include three exchange students from an agricultural high school in Norway. The biorefinery, that recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, produces 50 million gallons of …
MN Rep Tim Walz Visits Al-Corn Clean Fuel
Minnesota Rep. Tim Walz (D) recently visited Al-Corn Clean Fuel, located in Claremont, Minnesota, on August 24, 2016 to learn more about ethanol and the biorefinery’s upcoming expansion. Rep. Walz also took the opportunity to reiterate his support for Minnesota-produced biofuels. While at the ethanol plant, who recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, Walz was briefed on Al-Corn’s $146 million expansion …
Texas A&M Offers Biofuel Short Course
A short course is being offered by the Processing Engineering R&D Center entitled, “Practical Short Course on Plant Operations and Process Engineering for Solvent Biofuel Facilities“. The Center is part of Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station and is taking place October 16-19, 2016 at Texas A&M University, located in College Station, Texas. As part of the course, students will have …
Webinar: Growing Your Business with #Biodiesel
Fuel Marketer News and REG are hosting a webinar on September 22, 2016 at 1:30 CDT entitled, “Growing Your Business with Biodiesel Blended Fuel.” The webinar will focus on how to grow your business with biodiesel with a case study from Growmark on how they use biodiesel blended fuel to drive margin for their fuel business. Speakers include REG’s Executive …
Bobby Likis Features Robert White Live From Sturgis
It’s been a great week for the 76th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and once again biker enthusiasts embraced E10 with free fuel (10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gas) and raved about their performance. Speaking of motorcycles, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) veteran motorcyclist and expert Robert White was at Sturgis once again. While there White will be a live guest …
#E15 & #FFV Retailer Roadmap Released at #ACE2016
Big news for retailers today out of the 29th annual Ethanol Conference hosted by the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE). The grassroots ethanol leader has released the E15 and FFV Retailer Roadmap. The new educational tool for gas station owners was released during a press conference this afternoon and was created to address some of the most frequently asked questions …
.@EthanolRFA Kicks Off FSMA Training in Omaha
The first of four sessions focused on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirements and how ethanol and distillers grain producers can comply kicked off in Omaha, Nebraska today. The educational series is sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and led by Kelly Davis, RFA’s director of regulatory affairs. She was joined by Iowa State University professor Charlie Hurburgh …
Auto Channel’s Rauch Talks Ethanol in Australia
The Biofuels Association of Australia (BAA) is hosting the National Biofuels Symposium 2016 in Brisbane on August 22-23, 2016. On the ticket is The Auto Channel’s Marc J. Rauch, an outspoken advocate of ethanol and alternative energy who has taken Big Oil head on. He is a frequent participating speaker at industry and media events and recently traveled to Taiwan …
Wisconsin Drivers Favor #Ethanol, #E15
Wisconsin drivers favor ethanol blends up to and including E15 at the pump by a 2 to 1 margin. A new survey commissioned by the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association found that 62 percent of individuals support the use of E15 fuel versus only 34 percent who oppose it. The support was consistent across all regions of the state and demographic …
RFA, Pinnacle Hosting Webinars on Hazardous Chemicals
Pinnacle Engineering has teamed up with the Renewable Fuels Foundation to host a six-part webinar series for the ethanol industry focused on how to comply with regulations designed to prevent or minimize the consequences of a release of hazardous chemicals. The regulations, from Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), require a comprehensive management program integrating …