Ethanol Qualifies For Iowa Corn Indy 250

Chuck Zimmerman

At least for the Iowa Corn Indy 250 there will be a car with the word “Ethanol” prominently displayed. Driving the #37 Ethanol USA Team Izod Indy car will be Ryan Hunter-Reay who qualified 12th today for the race. His qualifying speed was 179.666 mph. Our pole winner was Will Power, #12, Verizon Team Penske car with a speed of …

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing

Ethanol Good For America Says IA Ag Secretary

Chuck Zimmerman

This was me moments before rain drops hit Iowa Speedway again yesterday. After years of taking photos of other people getting a ride in the Indy 2-Seater I finally had my chance. But just as we were about to pull onto the track rain canceled the deal. Oh well, maybe another time. I do think I look good in an …

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farming, Government, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing

Polk County Farm Bureau Supporting Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

There were a lot of volunteers helping pump gas during the Kum & Go E-85 pump promotion in Des Moines in advance of the Iowa Corn Indy 250. Some of them were from the Polk County Farm Bureau. I spoke with Carol Miller, past President and Board member. She and her family are farmers. They really appreciate the relationship with …

Audio, corn, E85, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Farm Bureau, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing

Indy Drivers Discuss Iowa Corn Indy 250

Chuck Zimmerman

This afternoon the IRL and Iowa Speedway held a driver’s press conference. Participating are (l-r) Graham Rahal, Tony Kanaan, Ryan Hunter-Reay and Alex Tagliani. The drivers were in a great mood but you could sense how eager they are to get on the track. They’ll be testing tomorrow. I recorded the press conference and thought I’d share the opening questions …

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing

High Tech Indy Engines, High Tech Pioneer Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s going to be a happy Father’s Day for Iowa corn growers and Pioneer Hi-Bred when the Iowa Corn Indy 250 gets underway Sunday. The race is being presented by both organizations again this year. I met Pioneer’s Joe Foresman, Senior Marketing Manager, Biofuels and MarketPoint Resource, during the Kum & Go E-85 pump promotion yesterday. He says the story …

Audio, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing

Serving Up E-85 With Iowa Corn Growers

Chuck Zimmerman

Pumping gas into your car that only costs 85 cents/gallon sure seems like a sweet deal and it was for many motorists pulling into an east Des Moines Kum & Go yesterday. The company has been committed to the support of this American grown blend of fuel and showed it in style with a party atmosphere late on a weekday …

Audio, corn, E85, Ethanol, Ethanol News, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing, Video

Kum & Go Opens E-85 Pumps With Indy Car Drivers

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for another Iowa Corn Indy 250 and that means that drivers are in promotion mode. Today Ryan Hunter-Reay (right) and Marco Andretti were on hand for the grand opening of E-85 pumps at a Des Moines Kum & Go where you could buy the fuel for 85 cents/gallon! Ryan will be driving the Ethanol USA Team Izod Indy …

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, IA Corn Indy, Indy Racing, Miscellaneous, Video

Ethanol Issues at Corn Utilization Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Indirect land use change and DDGs quality were two of the ethanol-related topics that were featured at the 2010 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference (CUTC) sponsored by the National Corn Growers Association and held last week in Atlanta. Geoff Cooper with the Renewable Fuels Association took part in the event and chaired one of the technical sessions. “Five or six …

Audio, corn, CUTC, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA, RFA