Rethinking Deforestation – A Copenhagen Challenge

Joanna Schroeder

Yesterday I wrote about one of the major challenges facing leaders who will be participating in the Copenhagen Climate Conference – global warming. Today, I’m addressing a second major issue facing the leaders – stopping deforestation. There is a misnomer that the main driver of deforestation is the increased production of biofuels. While there is a correlation between biofuels and …

Commentary, conferences, Environment, global warming

Cellulosic Biofuels Summit Fast Approaching

Joanna Schroeder

The 4th Annual Cellulosic Biofuels Summit will be held in Washington D.C. on November 16-19th. Attendees will represent the feedstock, industrial biotech, biofuel technology, plant developer, finance, and oil and transportation sectors. The main goal of the conference is to share information on the perspectives and progress in reaching commercial production of cellulosic biofuels. There will be three forums: *Forum …

Cellulosic, conferences, Ethanol

Renewable Fuels to be Focus of Minnesota Conference

John Davis

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 17th, for what’s being billed as the Midwest’s premier energy, economic and environmental conference. E3 2009 is sponsored by the University of Minnesota and will be held at the St. Paul RiverCentre: NREL’s Larry Kazmerski, a pioneer in the field of solar photovoltaics, will offer the keynote presentation for this year’s conference. Other highlights …


Bioeconomy Conference to Focus on Biofuels Future

Cindy Zimmerman

Land grant universities around the Midwest are joining together to hold simultaneous state conferences to discuss biofuels and the future of renewable energy. The 2009 Bio eConference – “Growing the Bioeconomy: Solutions for Sustainability” – will be held on December 1 through a network of co-host sites that will be “sharing content through high-speed communication systems to promote agriculturally-based sustainable …

conferences, University

Growth Energy Promotes Blender Pumps at NACS

Joanna Schroeder

Growth Energy was at the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) show in Las Vegas last week promoting the benefits of mid-level ethanol blends and blender pumps to retailers. I spent a few minutes with Phil Lampert, the Vice President of Market Development with Growth Energy. There were between 25,000-30,000 participants ranging from retailers, equipment manufacturers, jobbers and distributors, very …

Audio, blends, conferences, Ethanol, Growth Energy

President Clinton Discusses Economy, Energy at NACS

Joanna Schroeder

President Clinton was the keynote speaker during the closing session at the 2009 National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) conference. His focus during his speech was the American economy, with a few words on the state of health care, education and energy in the mix. But the big question was: is the recession over? His answer: “Yes. No. Maybe.” If …

conferences, Energy, Environment, News, water

AF&V 2010 Renews Focus on Fleets

Joanna Schroeder

For many people who are passionate about alternative vehicles, the Alternative Fuels & Vehicles Conference + Expo (AF&V) has been the place to be for more than a decade. This is not changing as Las Vegas will be the host of the 2010 show being held May 9-12, and the show will renew its focus on fleets through its “Focus …


Registration Open for National Ethanol Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Registration is officially opened for the Renewable Fuels Association’s 15th Annual National Ethanol Conference “Climate of Opportunity” which will be held February 15-17, 2010 in Orlando, Florida. Speakers and sessions will focus on the historic opportunities facing our industry. As a renewable fuel, as an industry continuing to reduce energy inputs, and an industry diversifying into new feedstocks, ethanol is …

conferences, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA

Hydrogen to be Part of Pittsburgh EEW

John Davis

Hydrogen will be part of the discussion at Energy & Environment Week… a look at new energy sources, including bioenergy with biomass heat & power and biogas; energy from waste & secondary raw materials recovery; alternative vehicle fuels including biofuels, hydrogen & electric mobility; and energy efficiency in industrial processes going on April 12-16, 2010 in Pittsburgh, PA. This press …

conferences, Hydrogen