ZimmCast on Clean and Renewable Fuels

Cindy Zimmerman

The push for everything to be more carbon neutral and sustainable has never been stronger, and that continues to increase the demand for clean and renewable fuels. Clean Fuels Alliance America and the Renewable Fuels Association have both held their annual conferences this year to focus on the challenges and opportunities for the U.S. biofuels industry. The Clean Fuels Conference …

Audio, aviation biofuels, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Senate Introduces Ocean-Going Renewable Fuels Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. Senators Pete Ricketts (R-NE) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) this week introduced the Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act to allow companies to preserve Renewable Identification Number credits (RINs) under the RFS program for renewable fuel, when the fuel for use is in ocean-going vessels. The legislation designates renewable fuel used in ocean-going vessels as an “additional renewable fuel” (similar …

Audio, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, renewable diesel

Beth Calabotta Grant Winner Announced

Cindy Zimmerman

The Clean Fuels Alliance Foundation has awarded the Beth Calabotta Sustainable Education Grant to Pranab Adhikari. Adhikari is currently pursuing a computer science degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also works as a data analyst intern at the City of Madison where he is involved in overseeing the implementation of initiatives such as the B100 biodiesel pilot programs actively …

Biodiesel, biofuels, biomass, Clean Fuels Alliance

B20 Club of Illinois Celebrates Ten Year Milestone

Cindy Zimmerman

The B20 Club of Illinois is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year with a new milestone in adoption of biodiesel with 110 million gallons of biodiesel blends of 20% and higher used by members in the state since 2014. The B20 Club is an award-winning partnership between the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff program and the American Lung Association. It …

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Soybeans

Consumers Driving Demand for Clean Fuels

Cindy Zimmerman

Clean Fuels Alliance America Chair Michael Rath, Sr. with Darling Ingredients is optimistic about the future of clean fuels. In his address to the membership at last week’s Clean Fuels Conference, Rath noted that consumers, including fleets, have choices for the fuel they put in their vehicles. “Clean fuel adoption is now largely driven by that consumer demand for choice,” …

Audio, Biodiesel, Bioheat, biojet fuel, Clean Fuels Alliance

Clean Fuels Inspiration and Partnership Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

Clean Fuels Alliance America presented awards recognizing industry partnerships and inspiration at the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Worth last week. ASTM International, the globally recognized standards development organization, will receive the Industry Partnership Award for its ongoing collaboration with the Clean Fuels’ technical team and the greater fuels industry to regularly revise and improve fuel standards, including ASTM D6751, …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance

Federal Clean Fuels Policy Update

Cindy Zimmerman

At the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Wort this week, Kurt Kovarik, who serves as Vice President, Federal Affairs for Clean Fuels, provided an update on federal policies and described the work Clean Fuels does on the Hill. A significant part of it is education and persistence. Kovarik leads members in advocating federal policies that support the industry’s growth. Kovarik …

Audio, biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance

Clean Fuels Awards Presented

Cindy Zimmerman

The annual Clean Fuels Awards honoring outstanding contributions of a diverse group of individuals and organizations who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel were announced this week at the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Worth. The Impact Award was presented Tuesday to John Bullock, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer for Darling …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance

Clean Fuels CEO Optimistic as Industry Faces Headwind

Cindy Zimmerman

On the MainStage at the 2024 Clean Fuels Conference, Clean Fuels Alliance America CEO Donnell Rehagen, provided a state of the industry report noting that it is a very transformative time for clean fuels, biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. “We are facing a serious headwind right now with the low RVOs set by the EPA as part of …

Audio, aviation biofuels, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference, biofuels, Bioheat, biojet fuel, Clean Fuels Alliance, RFS, SAF, Soybean, Sustainability

Preview of 2024 Clean Fuels Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for the 2024 Clean Fuels Conference. This year the conference is located in Ft. Worth, TX. The Clean Fuels Conference connects key players of the biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel industry for one can’t-miss event. Clean fuels for land, sea and sky come together for a week of expert sessions, exhibits and showcases. Attendees include clean …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance, Soybeans