Clean Fuels Makes Governing Board Changes

Cindy Zimmerman

Clean Fuels Alliance America announced recent changes within its Governing Board.

Courtney Lawrenson, Vice President – Oils and Energy at AGP, has been appointed by the board to serve as Second Vice-Chair succeeding Gary Louis who recently retired from his role with Seaboard Energy as as President and CEO. Peter Ostenfeld-Rosenthal, incoming President and CEO at Seaboard Energy, joins the board as a new member replacing Louis. In addition, Kerry Fogarty, Quality Control Manager at Incobrasa Industries, Ltd. joined the board filling a vacancy left by the resignation of Danielle Brannen, who represented New Leaf Biofuel.

Clean Fuels has also welcomed several new members over the past eight months who share a commitment to sustainable industry growth. These include Alliance Technical Group, North Carolina Soybean Producers Association, Nuseed, PepsiCo, RenStar, RICHARD, Westmor Industries, WayTrade.

“We are witnessing unprecedented growth driven by increasing awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of our fuels,” said Donnell Rehagen, Clean Fuels CEO. “Our Governing Board and our members play a vital role in advocating for policies that support this growth and drive innovation in clean fuel technologies.”

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance